Child labour
by Shavak VASANIA
1. Why does child labour happen?
1.1. low family income
1.2. Debt
1.3. Illness or death in the family
1.4. Gender stereotypes
1.5. Inter-Generational
2. Why is child labour still there in the world?
2.1. Poverty
2.2. Culture and tradition
2.3. In Demand
2.4. Cheap and Obedient
2.5. Nimble fingers
2.6. Inadequate laws
2.7. Education
3. Refined questions
3.1. How do organisations helping solve child labour
3.2. Why is child labour still there in the world
3.3. why is child labour getting worse in some countries
3.4. Why does child labour happen?
3.5. Why is child labour still there in the world?
4. How can you help solve child labour
4.1. Educate yourself
4.2. Contact companies and encourage them to be chilld labour free
4.3. Educating others
4.4. donating to organisations who are working to help stop child labour
5. Why is child labour wrong?
5.1. Children put through harmful work
5.2. Doesn't let the kid run around an play
5.3. Gives too many responsibilities on the child, more than they can bare
5.4. Doesn't pay fairly