Water and sanitation
by Declan ROWAN

1. Facts
1.1. 1.1 billion people don't have access to clean drinking water. 2.4 billion people lac access to safe sanitation
1.2. more than 800 children die every single day from diseases from dirty and contaminated
1.3. Sanitation is poor in cambodia. Water- and mosquito-borne illnesses are endemic
2. what are the challenges for getting clean water, and where do they get it
3. where is there usually bad sanitation
3.1. mexico
3.2. congo
3.3. Pakistan
3.4. bhutan
4. who are the people that don't have clean water.
4.1. 1.1 billion people don't have access to clean drinking water.
4.2. 2.4 billion people lac access to safe sanitation
4.3. lack of clean water and sanitation affects more than 40 percent world wide
5. What happens to people who don't have good sanitation
5.1. they can get lots of diseases from bad sanitation like dengue fever, hepatitis, Intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, and malaria are all common diseases that can be caught from dirty water and bad sanitation
6. What is being made to help get clean water and good sanitation
6.1. The fog catcher
6.1.1. This person has found a way to get fog and turn it into water. the person has changed the lives of about 6,500. By giving them water to wash their plants and crops it isn't clean water yet but they are working on making it clean BBC. "The Fog Catcher." BBC News, 2 Dec. 2016, www.bbc.com/news/av/magazine-38175202/the-fog-catcher-who-brings-water-to-the-poor. Accessed 19 Mar. 2018.
6.2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzxpES35o8Q
6.2.1. this is about a boy who found out that there is people that don't have clean drinking water in the world so he was so he decided that he would help and tried to raise 2,000 but he got so successful and has now raised 750,000 for wells in Africa