HR Quo Vadis

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HR Quo Vadis by Mind Map: HR Quo Vadis

1. Compensation

1.1. For top 5-10% performers

1.1.1. Percentage depends on role and unit

1.1.2. Additional one time Bonus of 4-8 Percent of total salary

1.1.3. Selection process by IUBH gl

1.1.4. General communication of top Performer program for top 10 Percent.

1.1.5. 6-10 percent - 30 Percent as bonus increase

1.1.6. Option to get upfront bonus payment in year of top performance

2. How to involve top leadership

2.1. Succession planning

2.2. Individual hr agenda

2.3. Define Key hr issues

2.4. Define key roles

2.5. Put on agenda besides strategy

3. How to decentralize

4. Recruitment

4.1. Channels

4.1.1. Lead data

4.1.2. Student with bring a friend

4.1.3. Netzwerk der MA via Skype

4.1.4. Define strategy when to use headhunters

4.1.5. Provide job news letter for applicants and wider intetest

4.1.6. Leverage additional flatrates with dual

4.1.7. Active Search strategy

4.1.8. Active management of prior contacts

4.1.9. Use own students and alumni as candidates

4.2. Data Analytics

4.2.1. Test channels per role and location

4.2.2. A/B testing of wording for core profiles

4.3. Click2Applicant

4.3.1. Provide deeper insight for applicants (imagebrochuere)

4.3.2. Simplify application for some roles - lead process?

4.3.3. Chat on hiring website

4.3.4. Video testimonial

4.3.5. Direct contact with employee in similar role

4.3.6. Better telephone & contact opportunity

4.3.7. Define our usps for applicants

4.3.8. Define what they get

4.3.9. Kununu and other externals

4.3.10. Participate in best place to work?

4.3.11. Which unit for recruitment?

4.4. Applicant2employee

4.4.1. Selection Define slas Provide in between feedback for company Use hr as prioritisation Use standard test for vertreib&Leadership

4.5. Special groups

4.5.1. Digital people Change wording and company profilr Use more/other channels Active search Refine usps and package

4.5.2. Leadership Change wording Involve 1 colleagues and team member in selections Refine usps and package

4.6. Onboarding and retention

4.6.1. Collect targets for onboarding

4.6.2. Define standard for key roles

4.6.3. Formal Feedback After 1,3,5 months

4.6.4. For leadership Use 360 degree Feedback if possible

4.7. Package usps

4.7.1. Use MBA for free option for senior hires

5. Development

5.1. Define career opportunity per key role

5.2. Use projects as development opportunities with success and exposure

5.3. Setup Trainings coordination with definition of key requirements

5.4. Use employee survey to refine requirements

5.5. Leverage existing online B2B training

5.5.1. Agile for each leader

5.6. Update Coaching

5.7. Define requirements for hr system

5.8. Establish a talent market

6. Retention

6.1. Include direct question into feedback to establish open culture

6.2. Define non-Financial retention package

6.3. Define specific approach for High Potentials and key roles (personal development plan)

6.4. Use key projects as potential development