ICD communication tools

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ICD communication tools by Mind Map: ICD communication tools

1. Workers

1.1. Mobile application

1.2. E-mail

1.3. Internat Blogs and Viceos

1.4. Discusion forums

1.5. Issues Tracking

1.6. Social Media

1.7. Social Intranet Software

1.8. Online sources

1.9. Chat tools and

2. Top Manager

2.1. Reports

2.2. Power BI

2.3. Issues Tracking

2.4. Microsoft Excel

2.5. social Intarnet Software

2.6. E-mail

3. Managers

3.1. Microsoft Excel

3.2. E-mail

3.3. Social Intranet Software

3.4. Issues Tracking

3.5. Power Bi