Muslim idea of predestination

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Muslim idea of predestination by Mind Map: Muslim idea of predestination

1. Predestination: Everything on the universe is following a Devine plan

2. •Human freedom- humans freewill to make any choices.

2.1. •Day of judgment- when God will Judge all humans and decide if they’ll be punished or rewarded.

3. Examples of types of predestination given to all humans:

3.1. Qiyamah- day of judgement

3.1.1. Tawid- God Sharia- religious law forming part of Islamic tradition. Devil

4. There are different ideas about predestination in Islam. Some Sunni Muslims believe that Hod has already determined everything that happens in the universe.

4.1. “Only What God has decreed will happen to us. He is our master: let let the believers put their trust in God.”

4.1.1. “Those who believe, so good deeds, get up the prayer, and pay the prescribed alms will have their reward with their lord.” “God does not change the condition of a person [for the worse] unless they change what is in themselves.”

5. “Only what Hod has Decreed will happen to us. He is our master: let the believers put their trust in God.”

5.1. “God does not change the condition of a person [for the worse] unless they change what’s is in themselves.”

5.1.1. “Those who believe do good deeds, keep up the prayer, and pay the prescribed alms will have their reward.”