Video game design

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Video game design by Mind Map: Video game design

1. elements of good gameplay

1.1. non-linearity

1.1.1. Non-linearity is what interesting gameplay is all about

1.1.2. types of non-linearity Storytelling Multiple Solutions Order: Selection

1.1.3. Non-linearity is great for providing players with a reason to replay the game

1.2. modeling reality

1.2.1. The trouble with modeling reality in games comes when titles get mired in reality to the point where they come to resemble real life a little more than players actually want Alfred Hitchcock described films as “Life with the dull bits cut out.” So games should have the same outcome.

1.3. teaching players

1.3.1. In the past, many computer games relied on manuals to teach players how to play them.

1.3.2. Recently, many complex games have started introducing players to the gaming world through a tutorial level

1.4. input/output

1.4.1. A common game design mistake is to try to include too much sometimes a mouse is enough

1.4.2. game designers prefer the controller over the keyboard

1.4.3. output sound is extremely important in video games

1.5. emergence

2. Game analysis : Tetris

2.1. Tetris is often referred as a puzzle game and an action game for a good reason

2.1.1. Tetris has elements obviously reminiscent of a puzzle, with players needing to find how blocks best fit together.

2.1.2. Tetris combines the mechanics of a puzzle game with the mechanics of an action game in order to create a truly compelling gameplay experience.

2.2. There are many indications that Tetris is an example of what I call the “classic arcade game” form.

2.2.1. Single screen play

2.2.2. Infinite play

2.2.3. Multpile lives

2.2.4. Scoring/HighScores

2.2.5. Easy-to-Learn

2.2.6. No Story

2.3. Artificial Intelligence

2.3.1. AI is the random number generator that picks the next piece to enter the play-field.

2.4. Escalating Tension

2.4.1. Tetris is very ruthless

2.4.2. The acceleration of the speed

2.5. Simplicity and Symmetry