Game design theory and practice

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Game design theory and practice by Mind Map: Game design theory and practice

1. Interview with Edd Logg

2. Working at Atari in the early days.

2.1. Excitement

2.2. Young and energetic

3. Arcade games

3.1. Technical limitations

3.2. Long waiting times between testing.

3.3. Innovation

3.4. Better controls

4. Making games

5. Ideas for games

5.1. Suggestions

5.2. Other games

5.3. Imagination

6. Games were way easier to make.

6.1. Less people working on a project.

6.2. Less content to be created.

6.3. Faster development

6.4. Less money involved.

7. Home games

7.1. No physical feedback.

7.2. A lot more content has to be made.

7.3. Better hardware

8. Work after Atari.

9. Mobile games

9.1. Similar to arcade games.

9.2. Prioritizes replayability.

9.3. Easier to design.

10. Being in charge of multiple aspects of making a game.

10.1. Programmer

10.2. Designer

10.3. Project lead

11. The Elements of Gameplay

12. Unique solutions

12.1. Present players with variety.

13. Non-Linearity

13.1. A game shouldn't follow a straight line

14. Anticipatory system

14.1. Designer tries to guess all the possible outcomes.

14.2. Programmer hard wires the anticipated solutions to the game.

15. Complex system

15.1. The game has a system in place to account for all the possible outcomes.

15.2. It is very hard to control the players behavior.

16. Multiple solutions

16.1. Enable players to have multiple paths.

16.2. All solutions should be rewarded equally.

17. Order of challanges

17.1. Allowing players to choose what challenge they want to face first.

17.2. Letting them learn and hone their skills.

18. Selection of challanges

18.1. Drastically improves replayabillity.

18.2. Allows players to face the types of challenges they are good at.