FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

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FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 by Mind Map: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

1. OBJECTIVES. - Being familiar with the rules of football. - To identify different countries in a map. - To know the capital of the most important countries in the world. - To plan a trip using a special budget. - To know different words related with football and FairPlay. - To know some characteristics of the most important animals and plant of Russia.

2. CROSS CURRICULAR - Physical Education: Football rules and fair play. - Arts and crafts: Russian art and monuments. Desing t-shirts for different teams. - Social Science: Capital of different countries. - Maths: Calculate a travel budget including all the payments. - English: Vocabulary and communication. - Natural Science: Animals and plants from different continents.

3. ASSESMENT. - Pupils take advantage of the digital tools related to geography, traveling and the World Cup. - Students work collaboratively. - Students understand the contents. They know characteristics and traditions from different countries.

4. GOAL. To be able to organize a trip to other country, searching and comparing different prices and using a specific resources. Selecting the most important places to visit and knowing the characteristics and traditions from the country that we will visit.

5. STAGES (ACTIVITIES). 1º we present a problem to the children. EXPLAINED - The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Final Draw 2º Brainstorming to get a solution. 3º Making groups (4 people). 4º Choose a country for the Fifa World Cup. 5º Plan a one week trip from that country to Russia. 6º Explain to the rest of the group traditions and some information from your country. 7º Desing a t-shirt for the World Cup.

6. DIGITAL ARTIFACTS. - Using internet to search information related with the FIFA world cup. - Using different apps to make an infographic. - Using tablets to compare different prices of hotels, trips, restaurants...

7. CONTENT. - Football rules. - Countries and capitals of the world. - Russia: Famous historic buildings and tradition. - Economy (Budget). - Vocabulary related with football. - Russian animals and plants.