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1. Assessment

1.1. Observation: participation, interest

1.2. Correct answers in digital test

1.3. 3rd column of KWL

2. Cross curricular link

2.1. Arts and Crafts: natural garden (clay)

2.2. Lengua: natural garden tale Cuento sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente

3. Resources

3.1. Text book

3.2. Parts of the plants pictures

3.3. KWL worksheet

3.4. Final activity worksheet

3.5. ICT: youtube

3.6. ICT:

3.7. ICT:

3.8. ICT:

4. Natural Science activities

4.1. Lesson 1

4.1.1. KWL worksheet

4.1.2. Explanation

4.1.3. Textbook reading

4.1.4. Motivation song

4.2. Lesson 2

4.2.1. Watching a video

4.2.2. Video: what plants can you find outside?

4.2.3. Explanation and group activity: How to take care of plants?

4.3. Lesson 3

4.3.1. Parts of the plants: explanation with pictures

4.3.2. Digital game Plant Parts - Identify plant parts game

4.3.3. Parts of the plants: game test Natural Science: Plants

4.3.4. Worksheet: final test

4.3.5. KWL final column

5. Aims

5.1. To identify the main kinds of plants

5.1.1. None

5.1.2. Standard

5.1.3. Advanced Multilevel Name, Category, Price etc

5.2. To recognize the main features of the plants

5.3. To make out the parts of the pants

5.4. To value the importance of the plants in our life

5.5. To discover how to take care of plants kingdom

6. Learning outcomes

6.1. To know the main kinds of plants

6.1.1. Image Slider

6.1.2. Content

6.2. To be able to take care of the plants

6.2.1. 20 blog posts Content 1 image per post

6.2.2. listing with thumbnail then summary of 10 latest posts

6.3. To be aware of the importance of the plants in our life

6.3.1. Content

6.3.2. Photos of staff

7. EU key competences

7.1. Literacy and languages

7.1.1. Yes (add details)

7.1.2. No

7.2. Digital competence

7.2.1. Yes (add details)

7.2.2. No

7.3. Personal, social and learning

7.3.1. Yes (add details) Search box Google ads New node

7.3.2. No

7.4. Civil competence

7.4.1. Left 5 latest blog posts

7.4.2. Middle 5 latest tweets

7.4.3. Right mailing list signup form

8. Classroom managment

8.1. 2nd Grade

8.2. Students

8.2.1. Plenary (3rd lesson)

8.2.2. 6 groups of 4/5 (2nd lesson)

8.2.3. Individual (1rs lesson and the end of 3rd)

8.3. Time

8.3.1. 3rd weef of February

8.4. Sessions

8.4.1. 3 Natual Science

8.4.2. 1 Arts and Crafts

8.4.3. 1 Lengua