Rail - Seat Preferences

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Rail - Seat Preferences by Mind Map: Rail - Seat Preferences

1. Options

1.1. Table Seat

1.2. Power Socket

1.3. Near Luggage Rack

1.4. Near Toilet

1.5. Set-up

1.5.1. 4 seater booth

1.5.2. Face-to-face

1.5.3. Side-by-side

1.6. Wheelchair

1.6.1. Wheelchair space

1.6.2. Seat for disabled (not wchair)

1.6.3. wheelchair space with seat

1.6.4. seat by wheelchair space

2. Direction

2.1. Backward Facing

2.2. Forward Facing

2.3. Airline Style

3. Position

3.1. Aisle

3.2. Window

3.3. Individual

4. Spaces

4.1. Quiet

4.2. Family Zone

4.3. Upstairs

4.4. Downstairs

4.5. No pets allowed

4.6. Open Coach

5. Screenshots

5.1. Trainline screenshots

5.2. SNCF

5.3. Sit Next to

5.3.1. Thalys

5.4. Swedish Rail

5.5. Trainline

5.6. Amtrak App

5.6.1. Wahsington / Pittsburg: upper vs lower deck