"I'm Australian Too" by Mem Fox

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"I'm Australian Too" by Mem Fox by Mind Map: "I'm Australian Too"  by Mem Fox

1. Languages

1.1. Communicating

1.1.1. Socialising Activity - Building Literacy Communities. Students invite their family members (parents, grandparents, etc) to attend a harmony day event where they engage in story-telling, sharing language with the students.

1.1.2. Reflecting Notice what looks or feels similar or different to their own language(s) and culture when interacting in Italian (ACLITC030) Activity - Word Sort Students are provided with a pack of cards of English words and a pack of cards of English words, related to a particular theme. For example, family. Words have been chosen that are very similiar in their spelling and sound. Students have to find the English word that matches the Italian word. An example - Family and la familglia, sister and la sorella, Mum and la Mumma.

1.1.3. Creating Participate in and respond to a range of imaginative texts, acting out events, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or themes (ACLITC026) Activity - Italian Idol Students take part in a Italian talent contest "Italian Idol." They prepare imaginative performances in pairs or groups. For example - students perform an Italian pop song, learning previously from the lyrics.

1.2. Understanding

1.2.1. Role of Language and Culture Italian Language. Understand and demonstrate how language use changes over time and that Italian has influenced many languages, including English (ACLITU036) Activity - Excursion to Italian restaurant. Students visit an Italian restaurant for lunch. Students make note of the words they notice on the menu that they recognise in English. For example - 'pasta' and 'il pasta', kitchen and 'cucina'. If this is not possible, students create their own incursion to an Italian restaurant in their classroom and study an Italian menu. Students are given an extended challenge to order their own meal in Italian rather than English.

1.3. The language chosen for this assessment is Italian. This is because I have Italian as a second language myself and Italian is the WA Curriculum language taught at my practicum school, Spearwood Primary.

2. Humanities and Social Sciences

2.1. Knowledge and Understanding

2.1.1. Civics and Citisenship Communities. Communities make decisions in different ways and voting is a way that groups make decisions democratically (ACHASSK070) Activity- Year 3 Class Election. Students are familiarised with the concept of democratic voting within the context of fairness in their classroom. Students at the beginning of the unit of work vote on important class rules that will form the class constitution. For example, the teacher will ask the students "Do we all vote in favour of having fun this year?" "Do we all think it is fair that everyone gets involved and tries their hardest this year?". Students mark their vote on a ballot paper given to them.

2.1.2. History. Communities and Rememberance. The historical origins and significance of the days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (e.g. Australia Day, ANZAC Day, National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems (ACHASSK064) Activity - What makes a day special? Flag decorating activity. Students explore the significance of days celebrated or commemorate in Australia. Students are asked - 'Are there some days that are special to you and your family?" The activity will explore some of the many days that are celebrated and hold special meaning to different Australians. Some example include Anzac Day, Australia Day, Diwali and Chinese New Year. Students are asked to write about an event that is special to them. Some questions they will answer are; When is your special event? What do you do? Who do you share this day with? Do you go somewhere special for this? Students then decorate their own Australian flag, with the key words from their questions, to be shared around the classroom.

2.1.3. Geography Activity - Move around the map How many Australian cities and towns are mentioned in the book? Students locate the places in Australia on a map and mark the place they live also.

2.2. Humanities and Social Sciences Skills

2.2.1. Questioning and Researching. Develop a range of focus questions to investigate (WAHASS27) Activity - Explore your classmates heritage. Students develop a range of focus question to investigate the diversity existent in their own classroom. Students have had time to research at home and ask their families for answers. Students pair up to discuss focus questions with one another. For example - "Where were your grandparents born? Do you have any special traditions at home that you learnt from your family?" Students then participate in a class discussion, "ticket out the door", by sharing what they learnt about their classmates heritage with the rest of the class. This discussion can be facilitated by the ICT tool Socrative. Socrative

2.2.2. Questioning and Researching. Locate and collect information from a variety of sources (e.g. photographs, maps, books, interviews, internet) (WAHASS28) Activity - Exploring my heritage Scrapbook Students create their own research of their family heritage, informed by family records they have brought into class. Students are encouraged to bring in old family photos of themselves and relatives, as distant as possible. Students look at the photographs and draw conclusions from what they see. For example - "My Nonna was wearing a Nurses uniform, she served in the War." The teacher should be mindful of all student's background and be aware of any students who may not feel comfortable participating. These findings are compiled and included in a student scrapbook style document, either physical or ICT based - for example, on the Book Creator.

2.2.3. Questioning and Researching. Recognise the ethical protocols that exist when gathering information and/or data (e.g. respecting others' work) (WAHASS30) Activity - Indigenous art excursion to Japingka Art Gallery, Fremantle. Japingka Aboriginal Art Gallery - Perth, Western Australia Students understand the importance of having respect for elders past and present in indigenous culture, as well as for their art work. Before attending the art gallery, students discuss what they think is respectful behaviour when studying an artwork or object. Thing covered include - don't take photos without asking, remember your manners when you are a quest, ask permission before you take ideas from their work. Students are briefed prior to excursion that their ethical protocols are an important aspect of the activity.

2.2.4. Communicating and reflecting. Develop texts, including narratives and biographies, that use researched facts, events and experiences (WAHASS38) Activity - Language Experience, Creating a class text. Students have been engaging with a unit's worth of activities related to diversity and storytelling. Students write a collaborative class text about the events and experiences they have been involved in during this time. Students are informed that this class text will be presented at the end of term assembly, to show the rest of the school what they have been learning.

3. Mathematics

3.1. Number and Algebra

3.1.1. Fractions and decimals. Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058) Activity - "Sharing is Caring" Students explore the importance of sharing food in the context of unit fractions. For example, "is 1/2 the pizza more than 1/5 of the pizza?" "If I had to share the pizza at dinner with 6 of my friends, how many equal pieces would I need?" Students practice with concrete materials first, for example - a fresh warm pizza, then move to representations of fractions and then to abstract concepts of fractions.

3.2. Measurement and Geometry

3.2.1. Using Units of Measurement. Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time (ACMMG062) Activity - "What time is it in ..... ?" Students explore time to the minute and investigate timezones. Given clock faces and their country. Students have to tell the time to the minute and whether it is night or day time. To extend this activity, students can predict a time appropriate to make a Skype call to another country, where a family member lives perhaps. This Skype session is then shown on the projector for the class to watch.

3.2.2. Shape. Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features (ACMMG063) Activity - Fireworks Students have seen fireworks in the text they have read. They then model miniature 3-d versions of fireworks by creating the objects themselves, using materials such as pipe-cleaners and sparklers. Students record on a worksheet the keys features of a 3d shape - edges, corners. Once completed, students are permitted to light their mini fireworks, under supervision and with permission from parents. To increase excitements, all the lights in the classroom can be turned off. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dd/23/5e/dd235e2bf8bb55836780b5e1fe4bfe88--fireworks-craft-autumn-crafts.jpg

3.2.3. Location and Transformation. Identify symmetry in the environment (ACMMG066) Activity - Famous places, famous spaces. Students are provided with images of famous cultural places and iconic spaces from around the world. For example - The Great Wall of China, Brooklyn Bridge, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Eiffel Tower. Students then identify by drawing, symmetry they can see. For example - dividing the Eiffel Tower in half. This activity can be aided by the use of Good Earth on the Ipad, allowing students to virutally explore the world, to any location they choose. Google Earth Reviews | edshelf

3.3. Statistics and Probability

3.3.1. Data Representation and Interpretation. Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) Activity - Counting this classroom's cultures Students collect data on the diverse backgrounds on students in their class. They record this data in a tally. For example, the number of students who identify as having a European heritage. All backgrounds are covered and included in the tally before students commence. This initial data is gathered and supervised by the teacher. Students then independently organise the information into displays of their choosing - lists, tables, graphs. This information is then shared as a group.

3.4. Proficiences

3.4.1. Fluency

3.4.2. Understanding

3.4.3. Problem Solving

3.4.4. Reasoning

4. Health and Physical Sciences

4.1. Personal, Social and Community Health

4.1.1. Communicating and Interacting for health and well being. Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others (ACPPS037) Activity - "Same Rights" This activity can be included in any special day or week event, such as NAIDOC, Sorry Day, Reconciliation. Students explore the UN Rights of the Child, in an age appropriate sense. Activity is facilitated by the ICT resource http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/S6594/ACSReconciliation/index.html Students examine human rights, learn about periods in history such as the Stolen Generation. They respond by increasing awareness of children's rights at school or in the community, by completing a flyer of their chosen rights and responsibilities, these are then placed around the classroom and school, to be referred back to. For example - "Bullying is not okay." and "It's good to say sorry."

4.1.2. Being Healthy, Safe and Active Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety and wellbeing: healthy eating, appropriate levels of physical activity (ACPPS036) Activity - "School Lunches Around The World." Students explore diverse diets of different cultures within the context of a schoolroom lunch box. They locate traditional and cultural dishes and their ingredients on the nutrition pyramid. They then get to cook their chosen dish and share with the class, under supervision in class. For example - Italian dish, fettucine. Students either roll the egg and flour together to make the dough, or, roll out and cut the pre-prepared pasta dough. Sauce can involved healthy options - vegetable based. Students recognise the importance of a balance diet involved vegetables, fruit, protein.

4.1.3. Being Healthy, Safe and Active Factors that strengthen personal identities, such as the influence of: family, friends, school. (ACPPS033) Activity - "Class contract" Students collaborate and decide on class rules surrounding respect for the diversity and cultures existing in the classroom. Students create collaborative posters with their chosen rules. For example - "Respect for everyone, no matter where they come from!"

4.2. Movement and Physical Activity

4.2.1. Moving our body Combination of locomotor and object control skills in minor games (ACPMP043) Activity. "Do the locomotion with me". Word sort of locomotor skills. Sport related verbs and actions found in the text are chosen as part of the word sort. For example - "Swim, sit, stretch, surf, play, climb, ride, walk, run, push, chase, reach, skip." The observable physical activities in the text include - tennis, swimming, cricket, running, walking, skate-boarding, weight lifting, scuba diving, hiking, surf life saving. When a student receives the word sort card, eg - "run" they have to do a running action.

4.2.2. Learning Through Movement Basic rules in a variety of physical activities and ways in which they keep activities safe and fair (ACPMP050) Activity - Mini Olympics. Students compete in teams representing different countries/places mentioned in the text. For example - Somalia, Italy, Vietnam, Perth/Australia, China. Students participate in a range of games that involve basic rules of fairness and safety. For example - emphasis on no cheating, being a good team player.

5. English

5.1. Reading and Viewing

5.1.1. Language Understand that languages have different written and visual communication systems, different oral traditions and different ways of constructing meaning (ACELA1475) Activity - Language Experience, Dream Time Storytelling Students have been learning about the oral language traditions of Australian Indigenous peoples, as well as local Noongar communities. Students are visited by a guest speaker to discuss Noognar language and preservation. After the guest speaker, students develop a class text about what they learnt from the presentation, in particular reference to importance of oral traditions. This collaborative text can include audio recordings if done through an ICT app, such a Book Creator. Students can include their own spoken dialogue, to reflect on the experience. Relates to p4 of text "Our mob's been here forever - how we share the place with you." Understand that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts (ACELA1479) Activity - Stop, think, feel, share (FSR MD, p.168) Guided Reading, Predicting. Students read the text "I'm Australian Too" as a class, guiding by the teacher. Students are shown each page, teacher highlights the length of the paragraph and explains that a paragraph develops and starts with a topic sentence. Explicitly state that paragraphs are larger sections of words. Teacher reads only the first sentence of each paragraph to give students clues as to the rest of the paragraph. Students are then invited to make suggestions of what will follow in the paragraph but using their predicting strategy. Students are encouraged to make use of the visual cues in the text, eg - the images, colours, body language of characters. *Teacher for this guided reading dresses up as a character from the text, to encourage engagement and active participation. Understand that verbs represent different processes, for example doing, thinking, saying, and relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tense (ACELA1482) Activity - Guided Reading Circles (FS RRB, p.15) Students rotate between guided reading circles. The group with the teacher will read the text "I'm Australian Too" and explicitly highlight to students the verbs found in the text. For example "laughing". Students in other groups are involved in activities such as word sorts. The word sort involves saying the verb "laugh" and then acting out the verb, followed by locating the card "I laughed" and saying out aloud to the group "I laughed. Another activity beneficial during this lesson are oral summaries. Students read a selected part of the text and together summarise what has happened so far in the text. Group creates a collaborative summary.

5.1.2. Literature Discuss texts in which characters, events and settings are portrayed in different ways, and speculate on the authors’ reasons (ACELT1594) Activity - Be an author for the day Stories can be told in many different ways. Students are invited to re-tell the text in their own way. Students can link their story to their own experience or similarities they have with the text. Students then justify their changes. For example, "I wanted the refugee child to be able to get to Australia safe. I wrote the story about her getting on a plane and flying safe to Perth. I did that because she looks my age and I want her to be happy like me." This story activity is done in a writing journal students have been adding to throughout the unit of study. Draw connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others (ACELT1596) Activity - What is your home like? The characters in the text come from many diverse homes and backgrounds. Students create a visual depiction of their homes, highlighting with words important and special features of their home. For example - "My dinner table is important because that is where my family get to be together and talk at breakfast and dinner." Students explain to their class why home is special to them by choosing one or two important features to share. Discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of the narrative (ACELT1599) Activity - Sentence and picture sort. Students are provided with descriptive word cards and image cards, which are related. Students have to match up the language to the images. For example - "dry desert" and an image of a red dirt road. The images relate to the various settings in the text, such as Humpty Doo in Arnhem Land. Discuss the nature and effects of some language devices used to enhance meaning and shape the reader’s reaction, including rhythm and onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (ACELT1600) Activity - Where's the rhyme? Choral Reading. (FSR MD, p. 59) In the text, 'how about you?' is a recurring line and rhyme. Student first participate in whole-class choral reading. Students will then pair and share in this activity to identify rhyme patterns in selected sections of the text. Students are provided with snippets of the text where rhyme is present and they have to identify the rhyme and then share it with the class out aloud, sharing the rhyme. Pictures can be included to help students identify the rhyme.

5.1.3. Literacy Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view (ACELY1675) Activity - Star of the day (FS RMD, p 75) Students recognise that there are many points of view in the text. A short period of time is allocated every day for a student to be Star of the day to share their own point of view. The student brings in something from home that represents their culture that they would like to share. Students talk about why they chose this item, other students are invited to ask questions. Star of the day is selected randomly from a class list and drawn out by the teacher, allocating days, so students can prepare for when they are presenting. Identify the audience and purpose of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts (ACELY1678) Activity - Read between the lines mindmap Students complete a 'read between the lines' mindmap to analyse the text. Headings for the mindmap are provided - Author's point of view, key words, helpful images, important characters. Student are given the option to present their findings through written response or visual response - drawing. Read an increasing range of different types of texts by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge, using text processing strategies (ACELY1679) Activity - Open Mind Portrait (FSR RB, p. 153) Students create emotional images of selected characters from the text. Students are encouraged to draw a portrait of their character and then record the character's thoughts and feelings. Students fold a large piece of paper in half, drawing half the portrait on one side and recording the character's emotions on the opposite side. Students are provided with time to share with one another the words they chose and why. Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1680) Activity - Which one is a story? Students explore the key features of a story, such as emotive language (describing words). Students are provided with a variety of texts and are divided into groups. Each group has to discuss and decide on which category each text belongs to. Examples of the texts provided include - short stories, travel brochures, photographs, maps, science report.

5.2. Speaking and Listening

5.2.1. Literacy Plan and deliver short presentations, providing some key details in logical sequence (ACELY1677) Activity - iMovie Postcards Students are grouped and allocated a country or place based on the text. Each group has to conduct preliminary research into the key details of their allocated country. For example, its weather, the kind of lifestyle in the country, the language spoken, tourist attractions and the cultural traditions. Students take this research and present it in the form of a short iMovie, 1 or 2 minutes. Each segment is combined into a cumulative iMovie, forming a travel program. Use interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume (ACELY1792) Activity - Books review/Interview Students are paired to conduct mini book review interviews. One students acts as the interviewee and the other students acts as the interviewer, asking questions related to the text. Students come up with questions they have about the text. For example - "who was your favourite character and why? what do you think will happen next to that character?". Students use their active listening behaviours during this activity. Students will dress up for this activity, the interviewer wearing more formal clothing with a microphone.

5.3. Writing

5.3.1. Language Recognise and know how to write most high frequency words including some homophones (ACELA1486) Activity - Homophone Bingo Students play bingo as a class. Homophones from and related to the text are included on the bingo card. Related images are positioned next to the words to aid students who may be visual learners. Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs (ACELA1484) Activity - Vocabulary word of the day & Word Walls (FSR MD, p. 80.) Particular modal verbs and adverbs are selected by the teacher and explicitly taught to students. The word of the day is one word chosen from the text which receives a particular focus. For example "might" as a modal verb to be explicitly taught to the student, in the context of the refugee character "one day Australia might be my home". Students are asked what they think 'might' means and to explain it. Students are encouraged to think of all the ways they can use 'might' in a sentence. This word is then added to the growing word wall.

5.3.2. Literature Develop criteria for establishing personal preferences for literature (ACELT1598) Activity - What do I love about reading? Reading response journals. Students develop their own criteria for establishing personal preference for the literature they choose in independent reading. This is reflected upon in their reading response journals. Some questions they answer include - "what did I enjoy about that book?" "Which characters did I like and why?" "Which words did I find interesting and why?" "I would/wouldn't read that book again because..." Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students’ own and other cultures using visual features, for example perspective, distance and angle (ACELT1601) Activity - Story board Students choose their favourite character from the text and develop their story further with their own imagination. Students create a storyboard of three scenes exploring their character deeper, using visual features. For example - the refugee child character might be placed next in a boat using a long distance to show the vastness of the ocean.

5.3.3. Literacy Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print,and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682) Activity - Book Creator Students work towards creating their own eBook, using the Book Creator app on their iPads. Students write from the perspective of the refugee character in the text, whose story is not complete in the text. Students write a short story from the perspective of that character and their hopes and dreams for the future. Students focus on character features by creating a character profile - Inside features, outside features.

6. Arts

6.1. Dance

6.1.1. Responding. Purpose of dance from different times (ACADAR008 Elaboration - Examining dances in their community and comparing them to other dances of different peoples, times and cultures

6.2. Drama

6.2.1. Responding. Ideas in drama from different cultures (ACADRM034) Elaboration - Use ideas and terminology of drama, to write and create student's own performance

6.3. Media Arts

6.3.1. Making, Ideas. Exploration of how fictional characters are represented in stories (ACAMAM058) Elaboration - Using community locations and then constructing fictional versions of the same space

6.3.2. Responding. Appropriate responses to, and respect for, media work from different social, cultural and/or historical contexts (ACAMAR061) Elaboration - Identifying meaning and describing representations in media artworks from different social, cultural or historical contexts, for example, different ways traditional stories are retold using media technologies

6.3.3. Making, Production. Production of media work, using codes and conventions to enhance the story or message for an intended audience (ACAMAM060) Elaboration - Planning and scripting a radio advertisement for a school event with respect for the rules and image the school seeks to promote

6.3.4. Making, Ideas. Exploration of how sequenced images, audio and text can be used to tell a story or convey a message (ACAMAM058) Elaboration - Creating a sequence of images, sounds and text or a combination of these to clearly establish the beginning, middle and end of a story or event

6.4. Music

6.4.1. Responding Reasons why people make music across different places, events or occasions (ACAMUR087) Elaboration - Considering viewpoints – evaluations: For example – How did the music make you feel and why?

6.4.2. Responding Responses to, and respect for, the music of others as performers and audience members (ACAMUR087) Elaboration - Identifying meaning and describing purposes in music from different social, cultural or historical contexts

6.5. Visual Arts

6.5.1. Responding Personal responses discussing the use of visual art elements in their own and other’s artwork, and identifying meaning in artwork from other cultures (ACAVAR113) Activity - Excursion to the Art Gallery. Current exhibition at the WA Art Gallery - A Window to Italy. Students engage in student friendly guided tours and add to journals continuously through the day.

7. Science

7.1. Science Understanding

7.1.1. Biological Sciences. Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (ACSSU044) Activity - "Is it an animal?" Students observe all the animals found in the texts and the features that make it an animal. Students complete a FWL chart.

7.1.2. Chemical Sciences. A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046) Activity - "Mini Masterchef" Students participate in a cooking competition. Students observe and record what happens to a potato when its boiled and when its baked. They then record their findings. This relates to the Irish character in the novel which refers to the Potato Famine of Ireland.

7.2. Science as Human Endeavour

7.2.1. Use and influence of science. Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE051) Activity - "Famous Scientists" Students research and learn about different famous scientists from their selected country. Students prepare for a panel discussion where they dress up and take on the part of that famous scientific character and the class can ask questions they have been working on, related to science and inquiry. For example, Albert Einstein. A student would dress up as Albert Einstein after completing from research on him and his discoveries. A further text to lead on from this project is Rosie Revere Enginer by Andrea Beaty.

7.3. Science Inquiry Skills

7.3.1. Communicating. Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations (ACSIS060) Activity - Night and Day Students explore how the Earth's rotation causes changes, such as night and day. Students predict whether it will be day or night, sunrise or sunset for a chosen location shown on a model of the earth. This activity is aided by an ICT tool - Earth rotation: night and day. Students report their findings through self-reflection, in a science journal.

8. Technologies

8.1. Design and Technologies

8.1.1. Knowledge and Understanding Technologies Contexts Food and Fibre Production. Types of food and fibre produced in different environments, cultures or time periods, including the equipment used to produce or prepare them (ACTDEK012) Technologies and Societies Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs (ACTDEK010)

8.1.2. Processes and Production Skills Creating Solutions By Investigating and Defining. Create a sequence of steps to solve a given task (WATPPS16) Collaborating and Managing. Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely create and communicate sequenced steps (WATPPS20)

8.2. Digital Technologies

8.2.1. Processes and Production Skills Collecting, managing and analysing data. Collect and present different types of data using simple software to create useful information (ACTDIP009) Activity - Recycling to Save our Planet. Students record data on the types of rubbish they see in their school environment. Students have to predict the rates each type of rubbish will decompose. For example, a sandwich crust will decompose faster than a plastic water bottle. Student represent this data on a Time Toast Timeline.