Digital Storytelling Unit: Tech Tools and Language

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Digital Storytelling Unit: Tech Tools and Language by Mind Map: Digital Storytelling Unit: Tech Tools and Language

1. VoiceThread:

1.1. Share memory of reading in 2nd grade

1.2. Pronunciation and enunciation with tongue twisters

1.3. Upload illustrations

1.4. Narrate stories

2. Picnik:

2.1. Annotate illustrations

3. Digital Citizenship

3.1. Creating Secure Passwords

3.2. Internet Safety


4.1. Text Revision: Editing symbols

5. Wordle

5.1. Identify essential vocabulary

5.2. Use color and size to indicate parts of speech

6. WWW

6.1. Evaluate narration of audiobooks

6.2. Evaluate text and layout of stories

6.3. Online dictionary and language resources

7. Google Apps for Education

7.1. Google Forms

7.1.1. Question formation during research

7.1.2. Contextualized Grammar Practice

7.1.3. Analyze survey data

7.2. Google Docs

7.2.1. Collaborative writing verbs in present and past tense adjective agreement organization writing for a specific audience word choice

7.2.2. Peer editing

7.3. Picasa

7.3.1. Downloading photos

7.4. Google Sites

7.4.1. Create final project site (student input)

8. Thinking Map Software

8.1. Tree Map: Organize vocabulary

8.2. Flow Map: Organizing story events

8.3. Circle Map: Define "Reading in 2nd grade"

9. Moodle

9.1. Journal Responses