Technological Prerequisites of Market Economy. A revolution in the new market economy.

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Technological Prerequisites of Market Economy. A revolution in the new market economy. by Mind Map: Technological Prerequisites of Market Economy.              A revolution in the new market economy.

1. Transparency

1.1. 1. It can improve the predictability of the market and promote the stable development of the trade market.

1.2. 2. It provides a basis for the review mechanism of trade policy, and it also has reciprocity in law, policy and regulation.

2. Natural Monopolies

2.1. 1. Due to the scarcity of resources, many companies in the industry are merged into one company, which monopolizes the industry.

2.2. 2. The same is true of economies of scale and scope. On the other hand, if the companies in the industry compete with each other, it will lead to the waste and loss of scarce resources, so this monopoly is called natural monopoly.

3. Bidding Service

3.1. 1. In the bidding service, the buyer can select multiple sellers to obtain the most suitable products.

3.2. 2. Once the buyer applies for a transaction, either success or failure, there is no room for negotiation.

4. Policy Hazards in the New Economy

4.1. 1. This includes the state's control of the currency, or the control of the financial system that creates unpredictable risks for the future information economy market.

4.2. 2. With the change of market economy, observation and prediction of risk that policy will bring about, maintain daily supervision, will effectively prevent and reduce risk.

5. Excludability

5.1. 1. Only those people who have paid for it can use exclusive goods.

5.2. 2.

5.2.1. Exclusivity also includes positive exclusivity and negative exclusivity.

6. Rivalry

6.1. 1. The increase of consumers leads to an increase in production costs.

6.2. 2. More consumption generates marginal costs.

7. Collaborative Filtering

7.1. 1. It is based on the user's historical behavior data to discover the user's liking for the product or content, which is more like the role of artificial intelligence in the network shopping platform.

7.2. 2. It takes full advantage of collective intelligence, which is to collect answers in the behavior and data of large Numbers of people.