Bodies of Water

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Bodies of Water by Mind Map: Bodies of Water

1. Misconceptions

1.1. All water is the same

1.2. Man made vs.natural bodies of water

2. Prior knowledge

2.1. We need water to live, we drink it everyday

2.2. There is more water on Earth than land

2.3. Begin class by asking students what they know about bodies of water

3. Future Topics

3.1. Currents and streams

3.2. Underground bodies of water

3.3. Further differences in bodies of water (ex: pond vs. lake)

4. Key Terms

4.1. Fresh water vs salt water

4.2. Different types of bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, ect)

5. Objectives

5.1. Students can identify bodies of water on a map

5.2. Student can distinguish major bodies of water