Web 2.0 Tools for My Learning Environment

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Web 2.0 Tools for My Learning Environment by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools for My Learning Environment

1. Graph, Model & Calculate

1.1. Desmos

1.1.1. Graph, solve and evaluate equations, explore transformations, with interactive lessons.

1.2. Geogebra

1.2.1. Solve equations, graph functions, create constructions, analyze data, and create 3D models.

1.3. Derivative Calculator

1.3.1. Calculates derivatives with steps and graphing.

1.4. Integral Calculator

1.4.1. Calculates integrals with steps and graphing.

2. Practice, Solve & Apply

2.1. IPractice Math

2.1.1. Online math practice, help and worksheets for k-12 with real-time progress markers.

2.2. Khan Academy

2.2.1. Online courses, lessons and practice for all content areas and resources for every subject and level.

2.3. CyMath

2.3.1. Equation solver with steps and practice.

2.4. Mathway

2.4.1. Tutorials, equation solver, and practice in different topics of mathematics.

3. Organize, Collaborate & Share

3.1. Dropbox

3.1.1. Create and collaborate store files in one central place, and sync across all your devices.

3.2. Google Drive

3.2.1. Googles cloud storage for any type of file that is syncable, shareable, and accessable from any device. It also allows you to create and collaborate in real-time.

3.3. Google Photos

3.3.1. Photo cloud storage you can organize by labels and albums that is also searchable and shareable.

3.4. Evernote

3.4.1. Take notes, organize, clip, share and archive.