Extensive Reading and Listening in the L2 classroom

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Extensive Reading and Listening in the L2 classroom por Mind Map: Extensive Reading and Listening in the L2 classroom

1. Problems and Concerns

1.1. Limited resources

1.2. Extracurricular activity

1.3. Lengthy period of time

1.4. Optional extra

1.5. Silent reading and listening

2. Benefits of EL

2.1. Speech rate

2.2. Oral word recognition skill

2.3. Bottom-up listening skills

2.4. Increased familiarity

2.5. Higher and deeper understanding

2.6. Higher overall proficiency

3. Principles for Implementing ER and EL

3.1. Objectives of the ER/EL programmes should be made clear to everyone involved..

3.2. The programmes should ensure that students read and listen in quantity.

3.3. make available reading and listening materi- als which are within students’ linguistic competence.

3.4. Teachers should provide on-going support to every student, especially those who need help most with their reading and listening.

3.5. Students’ motivation should be kept high throughout the programmes.

3.6. Teachers should encourage students to do simultaneous reading and listening.

3.7. Teachers should provide interesting and enjoyable post-reading and listening activities.

4. Benefits of ER

4.1. Enhance Vocabulary Denvelopment

4.2. Gain a better grasp of the grammar

4.3. Read faster

4.4. More acknowledgeable

4.5. Higher confidence and motivation

4.6. More positive attitudes towards reading

4.7. Develop a healthy reading habit