1. output
1.1. compressed js
1.2. compressed css
1.3. optimized images?
1.4. build reports
1.4.1. filesize reports
1.4.2. lint / rule reports
1.4.3. todo / kludge reports
1.5. documentation
1.5.1. phpdoc
1.5.2. jsdoc
1.5.3. ascod
2. Requirements
2.1. Easy for devs to use
2.2. Versatile confguration
2.3. Easily extensable
2.3.1. javascript based New node
2.3.2. custom js modules can be added build folder for project
2.4. Rule creation
2.4.1. filesize limits
2.4.2. forced linting
2.4.3. as/js/phpdoc compliance
2.5. "watch" ability
2.5.1. when in watch mode, listen per filetype with specific commands for those files
2.5.2. when script is called in normal mode, all watch commands are called
3. Technologies
3.1. node.js
3.1.1. no required extra libs
3.1.2. core written with coffee script
3.1.3. console app
3.2. objective-c/cocoa
3.2.1. gui front-end to console backend
3.2.2. dynamic forms based on config
3.3. json
3.4. closure compiler
3.5. git
3.5.1. will be a grow git repositiory
3.5.2. will have built-in update ability
3.6. growl notifications
4. configuration
4.1. json build configure file
4.2. command line flags
4.3. multiple targets
4.4. compiler directives
4.4.1. per-langauge format
4.4.2. if/else logic
4.4.3. insertion (includes)
4.4.4. target testing
4.5. require min. build tool version, will auto update self
4.6. ~/.buildrc file for user-specific globals
4.6.1. output base paths
4.6.2. default targets
4.6.3. editor specific post-commands
5. tasks
5.1. concatentate js / css
5.2. copy files to build folders
5.2.1. New node