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Shape, Line and Color por Mind Map: Shape, Line and Color

1. Shape

1.1. imaginary

1.1.1. organic/free form

1.1.2. geometric

1.1.3. abstract

1.1.4. representation

1.2. implied

1.2.1. organic/free form

1.2.2. geometric

1.2.3. abstract

1.2.4. representation

2. Color

2.1. tint/hue

2.1.1. add white to color

2.2. shade

2.2.1. add black to color

2.3. evoke emotion

2.3.1. blue= cold

2.3.2. red = hot

3. Line

3.1. vertical

3.1.1. stern

3.1.2. strong

3.2. horizontal

3.2.1. quiet

3.2.2. peaceful

3.3. diagonal

3.3.1. movement

3.3.2. directional

3.4. curved

3.4.1. calm

3.4.2. resting