Technology in Education for Pupils with SEN

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Technology in Education for Pupils with SEN by Mind Map: Technology in Education for Pupils with SEN

1. Hardware

1.1. computer

1.2. keyboards

1.3. mice

1.4. memory drives

1.5. printers

1.6. wireless options

2. New & Emerging TTechnologies

2.1. IWBs

2.2. iPads

2.3. Plasma Touch Screens

2.4. fizzbook spin

2.5. tablet pc

2.6. games devices

2.6.1. New node

3. Software

3.1. content free

3.2. content rich

3.3. drill & practice

3.4. reference

3.5. access

4. Policies

4.1. Staff Technology

4.2. Anti Bulling Policy

4.3. Whole School ICT Plan

4.4. AUP

5. communciation devices for children

5.1. low-tech boards

5.2. schedules

5.3. PECS

5.4. high tech devices

5.5. Medium tech options

6. Technology for school Admin

6.1. School Website

6.2. Text a Parent

6.3. Broadband

6.4. MIS e.g.Aladdin

7. Pupils

7.1. match to individual needs

7.2. access needs

7.3. support curriculum /IEP

7.4. ergonomics

7.5. accessibility options

8. On-line/ Web resources

8.1. freeware

8.2. open source

8.3. websites

8.4. subscription downloads

8.5. applications

8.6. email

8.7. cloud