Technologies for E-learning

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Technologies for E-learning by Mind Map: Technologies for E-learning

1. Existing

1.1. Mobile

1.2. Digital whiteboard

1.3. Smart Boards

1.4. Laptops per child

1.5. Internet in general

1.6. Youtube

1.7. Powerpoint

1.8. Video Cameras

1.9. Photoshop

2. Emerging

2.1. Social Networks

2.1.1. Twitter

2.1.2. Facebook

2.2. Voice Thread

2.3. Google Docs

2.4. Cloud

2.4.1. iCloud

2.5. Wikis

3. New

3.1. Podcasting

3.2. Voip

3.3. Video Conferencing

3.4. iDevices

3.4.1. Tablets