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My Network создатель Mind Map: My Network

1. My Uncle Mark - My Uncle has been very successful in life, and knows a lot of people who could get me a job.

2. Mrs. Meraw - She has experience with finding jobs, and would definitely be able to help me out.

3. Zoologist - I would like to meet a Zoologist because I like Zoology, and a Zoologist could give me some insight into their feild.

4. Paleontologist - I would love to meet a paleontologist because it has always been my dream to become a paleontologist, so if I could meet one they might be able to help me get a job.

5. My Uncle Tim - My Uncle is a mechanic so he could introduce me to a few people who might need someone to do maintenance.

6. My neighbor Tim - He is a veteran so he probably knows someone who could get me a job in the military.

7. Mason Bjarnason - Friend - He works at Tims, and would be a great reference if I ever want a job at Tim Hortons.

8. Brother - My brother has a job so he can help me get one.

9. Mom - My Mom has worked a lot of jobs. She's knowledgeable in many fields and could definitely help me get a job.

10. Dad - My Dad has work many different jobs all over the world, which has allowed him to meet a lot of people that he could introduce me to about a job.

11. My Cousin - He works two jobs, and has a lot of connections so he can help me get o job.

12. Biologist - I would like to meet a Biologist because i might want to become a biologist someday, so if I could meet one they might be able to help me get a job as a biologist.

13. Accountant - I don't want to be an accountant but its a career option that I could go for so if I could meet one I would be able to see what its like.

14. Military Personnel - I would like to meet someone in the military because I have been thinking about joining the military , and I would like someones insight on what its like in the military.

15. My Pastor - My Pastor has a lot of connections so she would definitely be able to help me find a job.