Poverty and Social Exclusion

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Poverty and Social Exclusion by Mind Map: Poverty and Social Exclusion

1. Poverty

1.1. Definiton

1.2. Causes

1.3. Remedies

2. Social Exclusion

2.1. Prejudices

2.1.1. Predudice and discrimination

2.1.2. Theories of predudice

2.1.3. Stereotypes

2.2. Discrimination

2.3. Excluded Groups

2.3.1. Gender

2.3.2. Caste & tribe Untouchability Tribal isolation

2.3.3. Disabled

2.3.4. Exploitative

3. This mindmap is promoted by 'International Classrooms On Line' (ICOL) as an educational exemplar for the topic of Cultural Ecology

3.1. ICOL

3.2. Cultural Ecology

4. Poverty reduction