The Components of the System Unit

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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The Components of the System Unit por Mind Map: The Components of the System Unit

1. Ports and connectors

1.1. USB Ports

1.2. FireWire Ports

1.3. Other Ports

1.4. Port Replicators and Docking Stations

2. Processor

2.1. The Control Unit

2.2. The Arithmetic Logic Unit

2.3. Machine Cycle

2.4. Registers

2.5. The System Clock

2.6. Comparison of Perrsonal Computer Processor

2.7. Buying a Personal Computer

2.8. Processor Cooling

2.9. Parallel Processing

3. DATA Representtation

4. Bays

5. Expansion slots and adapter cards

6. Memory

6.1. Bytes and Addressable Memory

6.2. Memory Size

6.3. Type of Memory

6.4. RAM

6.5. Cach

6.6. Flash Memory

6.7. CMOS

6.8. Memory Access Times

7. The Motherboard

8. Power Supply

9. Buses