Gartner: Key Issues for BI & PM Initiatives

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Gartner: Key Issues for BI & PM Initiatives von Mind Map: Gartner: Key Issues for BI & PM Initiatives

1. About BI

1.1. Definition

1.2. Business Need

2. BI Initiative Challenges

2.1. Strategy & Architecture

2.1.1. Lack of BI & PM strategy

2.1.2. Best Practices for BI and PM architecture?

2.1.3. Business Process integration challenges Most BI forces users to operate outside their traditional working space

2.2. Technology & Infrastructure

2.2.1. The impact of the new technologies on the business operations

2.3. Organizational Competencies

2.3.1. Lack of skills is the biggest barriers to the success of BI

2.4. Performance Competencies

2.4.1. Most organization mistakenly equate BI with information delivery