1. Communication
1.1. ClassDojo
1.1.1. ClassDojo helps teachers build a positive classroom culture by encouraging students and communicating with parents. ClassDojo on the App Store
1.2. Twitter
1.2.1. Twitter is an amazing digital cool that can be used for communication between, peers from besides you to across the world. Twitter on the App Store
1.3. Remind 101
1.3.1. Is a free way to instantly text students and parents from your phone. You can send reminders, assignments, homework, or other messages directly to students and parents. The best part of Remind is that all phone numbers are kept private and the messages are sent without open replies. You can even add in push notifications so that everyone remains informed even when they’re out of the classroom.Remind: School Communication on the App Store
1.4. Google Classroom
1.4.1. Google classroom allows for discussions, assignments, assessment, and review all in one place. One of its best features is that students can turn in assignments through the platform, giving teachers an easy view way to see who has or hasn’t turned in an assignment. It also allows for quicker grading, as students can see when the teacher has viewed, commented on, or graded their work. Google Classroom on the App Store
2. Creativity
2.1. Voicethread
2.1.1. Voicethread allows you to create a collaborative slideshow that others can comment on using text, audio or even video. It can be used for novel discussions, book creation with lower or more creative students, peer editing, and there are endless possibilities in a classroom. VoiceThread on the App Store
2.2. Stop Motion Studio
2.2.1. This app helps produce high quality stop motion videos. A remote camera option is available, as well as a green screen effect. The app also includes 8 different themes to use for the videos. Color and sound effects are also available. Students can publish directly to YouTube, Facebook, Dropbox, or iCloud. Stop Motion Studio on the App Store
2.3. Mindtools
2.3.1. Creativity and business skills come together in this app. There are sections that teach problem-solving and push its users to think of business in a creative light. There are over 100 skill lessons included in this app. Mind Tools on the App Store
3. Collaboration
3.1. Google Docs
3.1.1. Google Doc allows for collaboration between students and for easy-to-give and easy-to-receive feedback from teachers through the commenting and suggesting functions. When paired with Google Classroom, Google Docs makes the assigning, collecting, and grading of essays a breeze for teachers and students. Google Docs on the App Store
3.2. ClassKick
3.2.1. Classkick s a free app that students can work on and get help instantly from their teacher and peers. Teachers can create assignments, see all their students work in real time, and give lots of student feedback. There is helpful perks to this app, such as using existing worksheets, adding audio or video to the slide. Students can work at their own pace and ask for help privately. Classkick on the App Store
3.3. Kahoot
3.3.1. Kahoot allows you create quizzes from scratch or use pre-made quizzes by other educators. This is a stress-free way to take assessments. Kahoot! - Play Learning Games on the App Store
4. Critical Thinking
4.1. Prodigy
4.1.1. Prodigy helps students to develop instant and effortless recall of math facts in all four operations. It’s a fun and motivational game-based learning, that lets teachers track student progress and celebrate successes. Prodigy Math Game on the App Store
4.2. FrontRow
4.2.1. FrontRow is both an app and website compatible. With FrontRow your students automatically work on math, ELA, science, and social studies lessons that are perfect for them. My students are always engaged and challenged, never facing material that is too difficult or too easy for them. It has diagnostic tests to track their progress. And has collaborative features that motivate students to help each other. It has real world questions that allow students to practice their math knowledge in real-world settings. It tracks data so teachers know exactly how students are performing across standards and skills. It’s designed in a game-like format so students are highly engaged. It is aligned to common core and state standards, it has common core aligned videos, and tons of nonfiction articles written at five different levels covering kindergarten through 12th grade. Front Row Education on the App Store
4.3. The Writing Challenge
4.3.1. The Writing Challenge App allows students to enjoy writing in the guide of a fun, interactive game. The app provides a prompt to get student writing started…then, every minute, the app supplies another prompt to add new ideas, words, characters, sentences, places or actions to the plot. Students who have a hard time getting started with creative writing assignments will enjoy the fast-paced, game-like setup of this app. And in the end, they’ll have been inspired to write an entire story! Writing Challenge on the App Store
4.4. ThingLink
4.4.1. Thinglink let’s you instantly link video or text to images. I have used this as an assessment before. Students took a picture of pages from a magazine and uploaded them to Thinglink. Then they linked text boxes by tapping the picture and leaving a dot. When you click the dot, it opens the textbox where they had described the text feature shown. ThingLink on the App Store
4.5. MyOn
4.5.1. MyOn provides access to digital books that matches students interests and their reading level to a recommended book list. MyOn has over 5000 digital books with the reading support tools. Students have access to all types of books and topics, especially non-fiction. You can create “projects” and link tns of books over certain topics that students can easily access. Als, if you link MyOn to a school account, you can track how many minutes they have read and also see their scores on quizzes over what they read. myON on the App Store