1. It uses a wide range of vocabulary and descriptive words (vivid description). It should also focus more on describing and not narrating.
1.1. Describe what you want the reader to see, hear, feel, smell,taste while reading your writing.
1.1.1. It entails the use of colorful and strong words as well as expression in the words to show what the writer or the character is feeling.
2. It also focuses on the most prominent and unique feature of the place or thing that is breathtaking.
3. The main focus is describing the scene rather than creating a plot, like narratives. It is more detailed and uses a wide range of vocabulary in terms of description, and less detailed when it comes to the plot, theme etc.
4. It is the writing of a story in great detail with the use of many descriptive words such that one who reads it would feel like they are there at the scene of the story.
5. What in your opinion is descriptive writing?
5.1. It focuses mainly on describing the scene, in terms of actions, sounds, appearance etc and uses an abundance of adjectives and other descriptive words so as to give the reader a realistic feel as though he/she is indeed experiencing it firsthand.
6. It might also involve the use of expressions like similes, metaphors and personification.
7. Use your five sense to describe the setting and let the reader feel as if he or she were actually there, seeing the setting for themselves
7.1. We can actually make use of literary devices such as similes, metaphors, irony, symbolism to describe sights, sounds, feelings and create actual mental pictures in your mind as well as the reader's.
8. It is the use of descriptive words and emotion to create a story so realistic that readers will be able to feel what the person in the story will be feeling as well as imagine the scene
9. How is it different from other text types?
9.1. It requires the use of more description to create a vivid image of a scene or character in the reader's mind.
10. Excessive description such as using too many adjectives may weakens your writing.
11. You can describe about a person you know or a place you have been to so that it'll be easier to describe as you are familiar with it but do not tell a story based on it as descriptive writing is not narrative writing.
12. It requires the strong command of the English language
13. Describing using the five sense - sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
14. Literary devices such as similes and metaphors can be used too and they can strengthen the underlying message the author is trying to convey.
15. What does it entail?
16. Group 1
16.1. How is it different from other text types?
16.2. Revelations
16.2.1. Excessive use of adverbs and adjectives are not good, we should use precise vocabulary for a stronger description.
17. Group 2
17.1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
17.1.1. Effective use of similes and metaphors
17.2. What does it entail?
17.3. Revelations
18. Group 4
18.1. 1.What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
18.1.1. It is telling a story in such details that your readers would be able to immerse themselves into the plot and setting, imagining themselves actually taking part in the story
18.1.2. It has more descriptions which makes the story more life like, letting the reader picture how the whole scenario is like.
18.2. 2.What does it entail?
18.2.1. a wide range of good vocabulary instead of adjectives and adverbs are used to aptly and accurately describe the various characters, settings and situations
18.2.2. use of original, vivid similies and metaphors to describe one's feeling's, sight, sound etc so as to create a mental image in the readers of what it is about
18.3. 3.How is it different from other text types (e.g. expositions, formal letters) you have learnt?
18.3.1. It focuses on a specific character or setting instead of telling an interesting story or argument or talking about facts.
18.3.2. It focuses more on descriptions.
18.3.3. It tends to show the readers rather than telling them what it is about
18.3.4. It is more vivid and lively with the use of more devices. There's also more descriptions for a certain thing, place or a person. Also, it does not have a fix format like formal letter or expositions.
18.4. relevations
18.4.1. we can talk about the past that helps to bring out a point that you are trying to bring across of a certain person, but do not make it into a story as it is not a narrative.
19. Group 7
19.1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
19.1.1. Descriptive writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to describe the author's subject to the reader with vivid words to help the readers to imagine the exact figure or situation of one subject.
19.1.2. The story is usually described and explained in vivid and minute details to depict a scene or scenario of a story and to help "paint" the picture in the reader's mind.
19.2. What does it entail?
19.2.1. Description of a person
19.2.2. Description of a place
19.2.3. Readers can imagine what does it look like, taste like, feel like,ect with the help of information given by the author.
19.2.4. Flowery language, specific adjectives,adverbs, analogies, similes,personification and metaphors
19.2.5. Description of an object
19.2.6. Making use of our five senses
19.2.7. more detailed elaboration on what is happening
19.3. How is it different from other text types you have learnt?
19.3.1. It is more of the description of people, places, objects and specific events.
19.3.2. It often does not involve storylines and plots.
19.3.3. It requires a strong vocabulary to write such essays. Metaphors and Similes are also included too.
19.3.4. It is not written from the first person point of view
19.4. Relevations
19.4.1. Try not to repeat words and use different and more specific words for description. Metaphors and Similes will help to enhance the description.
19.4.2. Detailed Description of facial features, mannerism and setting is important
19.4.3. Develop an underlying theme from the question and take it as a controlling idea when writing
19.4.4. Always set a suitable mood for the scene so as to engage and absorb readers
19.4.5. Create a clear structure that is interesting to readers Describing from the inside to the outside Writing from the past to the future Explaining from the general to the particular
20. Relevations
20.1. i) We should stick to just describing and not having too much stories
20.2. ii) Use 3rd person instead of writing as 1st person so that you will be an onlooker who is able to see everything you have written in your story.
20.3. iii) When writing descriptive, you not only have to describe the noun but also to add your feelings in so as to be able to allow your reader to be thinking and feeling with you in your story
21. Does not make a point or opinion, it can be used within almost all the text types to desrcribe certain things. (e.g. in examples that try to build up on a point)
22. vivid description must seem like the writer is showing the reader what is being described, instead of just telling
23. 3.How is it different from other text types?
23.1. It does not have a format, unlike formal letters. Instead, there are many different ways to describe a certain object, event or even feeling.
24. 1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
25. Group 5
25.1. 1. What is your opinion on Descriptive writing
25.1.1. It is a type of writing that can be used in personal recounts and narratives
25.1.2. The writer must have a wide knowledge of vocabulary in order to create a vivid and accurate depiction of what he is trying to say
25.1.3. It is used to try to paint a picture in the reader's mind so that the reader feels like she is actually experiencing the whole event in person.
25.2. 2.What does it entail?
25.2.1. It makes use of the five senses to make the reader feel as if he is experiencing it himself
25.3. 4.Relevations
25.3.1. We should not overuse adjectives as sometimes descriptive writing can be very dry to read when done so. Precise vocabularly should be used instead so as to bring about a point in a concise manner and also to create a stronger impact.
25.3.2. It is good to add what you feel in addition to what you experience with your five senses to make the reader feel as if he is experiencing it himself
25.3.3. Avoid writing in first person to avoid starting to tell stories instead of just describing what is happening or what you see.
26. Group 6
26.1. 2. What does it entail?
26.1.1. i) It uses a wide range of adjectives which could describe the noun they are specifically referring. Literary devices are also often used.
26.1.2. iii) It creates a picture or sketch of it in the writer's head.
26.1.3. ii) It makes use of our five senses to make the setting realistic.
26.1.4. iv) It allows the reader to look at the setting from different perspectives by using imagery.
26.2. Group 3
26.2.1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
26.2.2. What does it entail? It entails good use of vocabulary and emotive language. Details and vocab words that are used at the correct time Requires the writer to show not tell.
26.2.3. How is it different from other text types you have learnt? It requires more descriptive language and a stronger vocabulary as well as being able to describe a certain place, person or event well. Main focus is on describing the setting/ character and not on plot or main theme, for that descriptive paragraph It does not have a format unlike formal letter
26.2.4. Relevations The aim of a descriptive essay is actually not to tell a story or 'be there' yourself in the story, but instead focus on a certain thing and enlarge it, describing everything down to the smallest details. An effective descriptive writing is not about dumping in alot of adjectives and adverbs, it is about using precise vocabulary, similies and metaphors
26.3. 3. How is it different from other text types?
26.3.1. i) It does not follow a stringent format, less restrictive, emphasizes more on appealing to our five senses.
26.3.2. ii) It is more realistic and emotions are evoked in the reader.
26.3.3. iii) It is less factual and statistical, but rather more creative.
27. Group 8
27.1. 1. What in your opinion is Descriptive Writing?
27.2. It tells a story and usually incoporates a lesson learnt. It is generally more informal and casual as compared to letters, exposition or argumentative essays. It uses flowery language and literary devices. Also, it conjures images of whatever the writer is describing in the minds of the readers. Descriptive writing is like painting a "word picture" to the reader so that he can "see" what is being described. Descriptive Writing allows reader to feel the story by using his/her 5 senses, namely hear, sight, touch, smell and taste.
27.3. 2. What does it entail?
27.3.1. 1. Vivid descriptions of action, feelings, speech and atmosphere, 5 senses
27.3.2. It shows rather than simple telling.
27.3.3. very precise, use precise vocabulary
27.3.4. 2. Literary devices such as alliteration, similies and metaphors.
27.4. 3. How is it different from other text types (e.g. expositions, formal letters) you have learnt?
27.4.1. It adopts a more casual tone. Rather than appealing to people to believe in your stand in whatever you are writing for, descriptive writing aims more to relate an event.
27.4.2. The writer is painting a picture for the reader to "see" by using words.
27.4.3. more emotions and more imaginative. it is more of describing than stating facts, solutions etc.
27.4.4. creates a sense of feeling in you