1. First Industrial Revolution (1765)
1.1. History
1.1.1. - slow period of proto-industrialization - spans from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century - witness the emergence of mechanization process that replace agriculture with industry of the foundation of the economic structure of society
1.2. Focus
1.2.1. - mass extraction of coal and invention of steam engine(Thomas Newcomen) creates new type of energy that thrust forward all process - use of water power and steam power - development of railroads and acceleration of economic - forging and new know-how in metal-shaping, drew up blueprints for first factories and cities
1.3. Types of industries
1.3.1. 1. iron industry 2. coal industry 3. textile industry 4. steam industry
2. Third Industrial Revolution (1969)
2.1. History
2.1.1. - nearly a century later, a 3rd industrial revolution appeared - witness the rise of electronic and also the telecommunication and computers - this revolution give rise the era of high-level automation in production
2.2. Focus
2.2.1. - surpassed its predecessors : nuclear energy - factories use programmable logic controllers(PLCs) -the use of robots and computers
2.3. Types of industries
2.3.1. 1. computer and automation industry 2. nuclear energy industry 3. electronic industry
3. Second Industrial Revolution (1870)
3.1. History
3.1.1. - a century later at the end of 19th century - steel industry began to develop and grow - invention of telegraph and telephone - emergence of automobile and plane at the beginning of 20th century - centralizing research and capital structure around economic and industrial model based on new “large factories”
3.2. Focus
3.2.1. - new sources of energies: 1. electricity 2. oil 3. gas - development of combustion engine set out to use of these new resources - chemical synthetic also developed, like: 1. synthetic fabric 2. dyes 3. fertilizer
3.3. Types of industries
3.3.1. 1. steel industry 2. automobile and plane industry
4. Fourth Industrial Revolution (Now)
4.1. History
4.1.1. - its genesis is situated at the dawn of the third millennium with the emergence of the internet - this is the first industrial revolution rooted in a new technological phenomenon - digitalization - this digitalization enable us to build a new virtual world which we can steer the physical world
4.2. Focus
4.2.1. - factories 4.0-to connect all production mean to enable their interaction in real time - technology involved: i) Cloud ii) Big Data Analytics iii) Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) iv) Cyber Physical System (CPS)
4.3. Types of industries
4.3.1. 1. Smart Manufacturing 2. Industrie 4.0