Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers por Mind Map: Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers

1. A World of Computers

2. What is a computer ?

2.1. Data and Information

2.2. Information Processing Cycle

3. The Components of a Computer

3.1. Input Devices

3.2. Output Devices

3.3. System Unit

3.4. Storage Devices

3.5. Communication Devices

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

4.1. Advantages of Using Computers

4.2. Disadvantages of Using Computers

5. Networks and the Internet

5.1. The Internet

6. Computer Software

6.1. System Software

6.2. Application Software

6.3. Installing and Running Programs

6.4. Software Developement

7. Categories of Computers

8. Personals Computers

8.1. Desktop Computers

9. Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices

9.1. Notebook Computers

9.2. Mobile Devices

10. Game Consoles

11. Servers

12. Mainframes

13. Supercomputers

14. Embedded Computers

15. Elements of an information System

16. Examples of Computer Usage

16.1. Home User

16.2. Small Office/Home Office User

16.3. Mobile User

16.4. Power User

16.5. Enterprise User

16.6. Putting It All Together

17. Computer Applications in Society

17.1. Education

17.2. Finance

17.3. Government

17.4. Health Care

17.5. Science

17.6. Publishing

17.7. Travel

17.8. Manufacturing