1. Native Apps
1.1. Services Module
1.1.1. Services
1.2. Web Services D8 Initiative
1.3. OAuth or similar authentication.
1.4. Case study by GreatBrewers.com: http://drupal.org/node/659772
1.5. Case study by Palantir: http://www.palantir.net/blog/mobilizing-drupalcon-chicago
1.6. Briefs by Linnovate: http://www.linnovate.net/category/services/mobile-solutions
1.7. IOS toolkit by Workhabit
1.8. Android toolkit by skyred
2. Web apps
2.1. Consider using Responsive web design
2.2. HMTL5 initiative
2.2.1. Customize core CSS and HTML
2.3. Augusta Chronicle http://drupal.org/node/718804
3. Drupal.org and Mobile
3.1. Add Mobile case studies to Home and Features pages. See Native and Web apps sections of this Mind map
3.2. Make Bluecheese (drupal.org theme) more mobile friendly
4. Highlight best practices (howto now)
4.1. Had Mobile sessions at many recent Drupalcons
4.2. http://groups.drupal.org/mobile
4.3. http://cruncht.com/417/mobile-drupal-groundwork/
4.4. http://prezi.com/wxgziayaaweh/drupal-on-the-go-with-jquery-mobile/
4.5. Northpoint http://www.slideshare.net/twom/mobileizing-your-organization-with-drupal-acquia-webinar
4.6. jb: David Hahn http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6597732/Going%20Mobile.key
4.7. jb: NY Senate: http://www.nysenate.gov/mobile https://github.com/nysenatecio/NYSenateMobileApp
5. SMS integration
5.1. SMS Framework module is quite mature.
6. D8 Mobile Initiative
6.1. Enhance Bartik for mobile. Perhaps use Omega as base theme. Zen5 has ideas as well.
6.1.1. We want a shining model of responsive design and how to do mobile in Drupal
6.1.2. An alternative is to do Snowman install profile which works on Mobile?
6.2. Jquery Mobile in core. Now at 1.0b2.
6.3. Enhance Seven for mobile (low priority IMO)
6.4. Use smaller image derivative when in mobile mode.
6.5. Content creation/editing
6.6. Native app like Joomla, Wordpress, etc?
6.6.1. Would be nice, but drupal.org has never succeeded with non web development. Probably better done by 3rd party.
6.6.2. JB: I think we'd succeed with an open source skeleton that does node get/put, user auth, (maybe SSL), and defined ways to extend it. It may take cash to prime the pump to get this built, but once available, I think it grows on its own.
6.6.3. jb: Does it make this easier to think of this really as just Drupal emitting HTML5 as an "app"?
6.6.4. jb: d.o would need to be equipped to distribute apps, or just the skeleton.
6.7. Device detection.
6.7.1. Has fallen out of favor since responsive gained mindshare. Still needed for image scaling
6.8. RESTful services in core (covered by webservices initiative)
6.9. Break long words when in mobile mode (context sensitive output filters - ouch). or javascript
6.10. OAuth in core (low priority IMO)
6.11. jb: Distinguish between phone-mobile and pad-mobile.
6.11.1. JB: User experience expectations are different
7. Acquia
7.1. Make Gardens theme(s) for mobile. And/or integrate Mobify
7.2. Highlight hosting customers with Mobile friendly sites
7.3. Create curriculum around mobile and Drupal
7.4. Sponsor documentation and code sprints around mobile
7.5. Explore commercial partnership with Akamai (or other service providers)
7.6. Mobile theme for Acquia Drupal
7.7. Native app for Gardens/Commons content admin
7.8. Done: Mobify partnership for Hosting customers
7.9. Acquia.com - keep improving Mobile friendliness
7.10. Done: One of (3) Commons themes is mobile-friendly
7.10.1. commons.acquia.com is mobile friendly
7.11. tgeller: Sponsor/support distribution optimized for mobile? Not sure who'd do it (if not us), but it seems inevitable.
8. Possible next steps
8.1. Prepare a sheet/document for the sales team at Acquia
8.2. Write a marketing whitepaper that can be distributed on Acquia.com
8.2.1. tgeller: Good idea! Added to the Marcom backlog at https://backlog.acquia.com/browse/MC-536