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Digital Video by Mind Map: Digital Video

1. Oberservation/Analysis Tool

1.1. filming of technical demonstrations to aid memory of processes

1.2. Feddback on presentation skills such as presentation of design concepts to a panel

2. Communication Tool

2.1. Digital Storytelling

2.1.1. Stop frame animation Collage Clay Inanimate Objects Students Puppets Cartoon/drawing

2.1.2. Images/Text/sound

2.1.3. Scripted performance

2.2. Press release (on an upcoming student exhibition)

2.3. News report (on a controversial artist)

2.4. Documentary/investigative report (on an aspect of critical/historical studies)

2.5. Talk Show (where student as artist promotes their artwork, panel/interviewer critiques/ asked questions)

2.6. Advertisement (advertising artwork or exhibition)

2.7. New node

2.8. Biography (of artist studied in class)

2.9. Gameshow (quiz on aspects of critical/historical studies with prizes)

3. Metacognition Tool

3.1. e-portfolio/Online visual arts process diary, add new discoveries, inspirations.

3.2. blogs documenting visual/conceptual process

3.3. learning logs

3.4. Film students critiquing work and retrospective reflection on the creation process