The impact of touch technology or ipads on the emergent literacy in early learners?
by Patrice Allman
1. Opportunities for children to create own content & participate in rich & dynamic learning content (kucirkova, 2014)
2. Eliminate need for input devices - mouse & keyboard that requires dexterity (Kucirkova, 2014)
4. Children fascinated with technology. (Merchant, 2015)
5. ipads light weight, portable, touch screen interface suitable for children (Merchant, 2015)
6. Ipad ownership -social and economic highlight the advantaged and disadvantaged disparities. (Merchant, 2015)
7. Pedagogical literacy behaviors (Merchant, 2015)
8. Learning outcomes increased with adult scaffolding (Merchant, 2015, Ihmeideh, 2014, Neumann, 2015 Laidlaw 2016) Requires support from a more experienced other (Flewitt, 2015 p20)
9. Need well designed educational apps (Merchant 2015) Quality of apps important (Neumann, 2015) (Neumann, 2013)
10. Ipads require thought and commitment by teaching staff to develop curric. and pedagogy and selecting apps (Flewitt, 2015 p27)
11. Collaborative interactions (Flewitt, 2015) Students learn from each other. Ideas become contagious (Laidlaw, 2016 p37)
12. Role of Teachers & Parents
13. Parents' attitudes to technology important (Neumann, 2015 p118)
14. Multisensory, visual, auditory and tactile (Neumann, 2015 p117)
15. Complex learning where one thing leads to another. Ideas connect & collide. Not a set pathway (Laidlaw, 2016)
16. Develop and explore own interests using digital tools (Laidlaw, 2016)
17. Digital devices could support the emergence of new ideas & teaching structures (Laidlaw, 2016)
18. Digital devices requires educators to think differently about learning and teaching (Laidlaw, 2016 p39)
19. Role of Teachers
20. Touch screens problematic. Small children experience significant obstacles with finger and hand control, weighting, positioning and stability. (Merchant, 2015)
21. accommodate a number of apps (Kucirkova, 2014)
22. Portable & lightweight (Kucirkova, 2014) Light, mobile & handheld (Neumann, 2013)
23. Child friendly intuitive design(kucirkova, 2014)
24. Ebooks & printed books reading shared with parent. Greater comprehension with printed books due to parents distraction talk when sharing an ebook (Kucirkova, 2014)
25. Well planned ipad literacy activities stimulated positive attitudes & behaviors in C (Flewitt, 2014) (Kucirkova, 2014)
26. Literacy
27. When T supports S with media-rich content integrated into curric. leads to better language & literacy outcomes such as letter recognition, sequencing and sounds, listening & comprehension. (Sandvik)
28. Interactive, multimedia displays that stimulate visual auditory, tactile & kinaesthetic sensory systems & respond to child's instant feedback (Cooper 2005, Tahnk 2011)
29. Chiong & Schuler research N=90 - lit apps - a positive effect on letter sound, rhyming & vocab. (Newmann, 2013)
30. NB- quality apps; age approp etc...(Nuemann, 2013)
31. Mark making - ipads limited number of fingers used, mostly index finger. (price, Jewitt, 2015)
32. Speed & continuity leads to more mark making & a range of marks (price, jewitt 2015) (P & P, 2016)
33. Limited sensory experience of physical median such as paint. (price, Jewitt, 2015)
34. Easy to use (price, jewitt 2015)
35. positive impact on S engagement & increased motivation, interest and independence & self regulation, creativity & improved productivity (C&L 2013, P,O, & F 2013)(P, J & C 2015)
36. Touch screens offer new tools for mark making. mire intuitive than computers as it exploits natural sensorimotor forms of interaction. (P, J & C2015)
37. Essential role of adult scaffolding in emergent literacy (Bus & Iz.., 1988) and in children's learning in general (Vygotsky, 1978)
38. Without an educational component - technology cannot reach its full potential for supporting children's learning & development (Mcmanis & Gunnewig 2012)
39. Adults being nearby, interacting & providing opportunities for peer-to-peer learning (McManis & G, 2012)
40. Technology needs to be developmentally appropriate for children & be integrated into the classroom curric. (McMannis & G 2012)
41. Unique features: touch screen, light & compact, wireless connectivity, wide array of apps, suited to educational use (Falloon & Khoo, 2014)
42. High level of on task talk (F & K, 2014)
43. Can be used by multiple people. "transition back & forth from a private to a public work space (F, L & G, 2013)
44. High level of on task engagement. Potential for collaborative learning environment. Influenced by app design (F & K, 2014)
45. Contested view- some S distracted by games & pop-up ads. (F & K, 2014)
46. Visual display -does not suit all learning styles. Some learners need to write things down (F& K, 2014)
47. Writing ability- Ss that poractised with their finger on a tablet wrote more letters correectly. Enhanced tactile experience - more beneficial ( patchan & Puranik 2016)
48. Evidence building that tablets can foster emergent writing & letterknowledge (Neumann 2017)
49. Young children under 1 can use fingers to explore mark-making using tablets (Crescenzi) (Nuwmann, 2017)
50. Children with limited letter-shaping could use pop-up key boards to type words (Breschorner & Hutison, 2013). Use story apps to create own stories - too difficult woth pencil & paper (Neumann, 2017)
51. Parents scaffolding with tablets may influence emergent lit. - depends on type of scaffolding & how it guides learning (Petkovski, 2014)
52. NB _ P&T select evaluate & select quality apps for C learning (c 2014, G2014, M&T 2013, N 2017 p214) may be difficult. Adopt a critical approach (N 2017) Need to select high qual apps & manage tablet use (L 2015, V 2014,p 215) for positive affects on literacy.
53. P struggle with C use of tablets ( H 2014) & p believe increases use may decrease C appreciation for traditional lit activities (p215)
54. T must adapt instructional practices to ensure that all emetgent readers are learing to navigate digital stories effectively ( Javorsky & Trainin, 2014)
55. Peer talk - promotes language development. Focus - exploratoty talk (justifications, suggestions for alternatives or compromises) Measures level of engagement. (Kucirkova, M S, P, 2013)
56. NB- apps are easy to use, scaffold learning & do not undermaine C creativity (Di Blas, garzotto, Paolini & Subiescu, 2009)
57. the growing body of educational computer programmes in the last decade may be particularly promising for enriching youbd children's language and literacy experiences (Marsh, 2009)(Smeet & Bus, 2015)
58. Language
61. E-books support word recognition, print, alphabet, phonological awareness. (Ihmeideh, 2014 Neumann, 2015)
62. Independent learning. (Flewitt, 2015)
63. Focused attention and engaged learning (Flewitt, 2015, p19 ) Children self motivated and actively engaged (Neumann, 2015)
64. Offers rich opportunities for communication (Flewitt, 2015)
65. Offers a gateway to full reading potential (Flewitt, 2015)
66. Literacy apps - positive outcomes with writing and typing (Neumann, 2015)
67. Students that struggled with conventional literacy, created coherent powerful videos (Laidlaw, 2016 p 38)
68. Impact on Students' Literacy
69. Ipads revolutionise education (Kucirkova 2014)
70. Introduction
71. "All sorts of occasions in everyday life where written word has a role" Barton 2007 (Sandvik )
72. Traditionally literacy - ability to read & write. meaning-making in society. We cannot separate written texts from images, sounds & numbers. Human communication is multimodal, (Sandvik)
73. Need new literacy skills for reading, writing & communication in digital environment (H&R, 2011)
74. Tablets - potential to enhance C emergent literacy skills (neuman 2013)
75. e-books -multiumedia features - focus on printed word as text changes as each word is spoken. Can improve vocab, word recognition & writing (S & K, 2007) (Neumann, 2013)
76. Little research on the effects of touch screens on writing. (c&C, 2010) N=41 observed children aged 3-6, successfully drawing pictures with a high degree of interest & motivation, (Neumann, 2013)
77. Drawing & mark making emergent literacy development (S&T, 1991) (P, J & C, 2015)
78. Literacy skills - reading, writing, listening & speaking (Strikland, 1990)
79. Importance of continuous provision for drawing on a regular basis in fostering lit skills (P, J & c, 2015) (Kennedy et al)
80. Children were able to click, swipe & slide easily but had difficulty with select, long-click & double click (M&F, 2010)
81. 3-4 yo can independently use apps to make stories (V& K, 2011) (Neuamnn 2017) & read interactive ebooks (M&W, 2014, S 2013, N, 2017)
82. Neumann 2014 pilot study based on parent survey N=109. Positive correlation with letter, sound & name-writing skills. May be a oromising tool for forstering emergent lit skills (N 2017)
83. Engaging in digital toolks may foster pre-drawing behavior & assist 'digit-skill" development & extend touch experiences. (Nueman, 2017 p208)
84. Some features hinder experiences such as different pressures applied = different effects. (C 2014)
85. e-books - series of techical procedures before reading such as turning on & finding app. Not as simple as opening a book. (Javorsky, 2014) (N, 2017)
86. ebooks - menus to navigate & choices to be made ( J & T , 2014) Creating a whole new set of text & context for reading ( Duke, Schmar-Dobler & Zhang, 2006)
87. Children constantly stimulated by audio & visuals (J, 2014) Parents reading printed books V e-books, children recall better with printed. E-books distracting (Kremar & Cingel, 2014) Interactive graphics can be engaging or distracting to readers (Labbbo & Kuhn, 2000, Verhallen & Bus & DeJong, 2006, Nuemann 2017) A push for designers to create illustrations that support text rather than distract (Schugar & Smith, 2013)
88. Emergent writing & letter learning-relationship complex dependent on literacy apps & how parents /teachers manage children's use of tablets (B&H, 2013, B 2014, C 2014, H2013, N 2017 p 213)
89. Reading environment complex & rapidly changing.
90. Recognise & interpret icons to navigate stories (Jarvorsky & T, 2014)
91. Effective learning - c engaged in collaboration & peer-learning (mercer, 1996) crucial for social 7 cognitive development (Edwrads & darcy, 2004, Tao, 1999) Kucirkova, 2013)
92. Study N=41 Findings: open-ended apps foster higher educational engagement & exploratory talk. Joint problem solving & academic success (Mercer & Dawes, 2001) p183
93. closed apps- developed for Lit learning. S practice skills, offered rewards, fits easily with Lit teaching practices & supports independent learning of basic alphabet skills ( Lynch & Redpath, 2014)
94. Open Apps - involves S production& communication of knowledge & positioning the learner as a producer, an active community member & (at times) a teacher. L & R 2014)