Choosing Civility on College Campuses

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Choosing Civility on College Campuses by Mind Map: Choosing Civility on College Campuses

1. Topic and Overview

1.1. This page will explain the topic basics and provide more clarity for what viewers will be learning about or analyzing.

1.1.1. Canva image

2. Background Information

2.1. This page will answer questions that provide background information on the issue of choosing civility on college campuses.

2.1.1. Logo

3. Perspective One (Pros)

3.1. This page will answer questions that will provide the viewpoint of the pro side of this issue--those who are for civility.

3.1.1. WeVideo

3.1.2. Photograph

4. My Perspective

4.1. This page will explain my perspective on the issue and how I am pro civility.

4.1.1. Powtoon

4.1.2. Infographic

5. References

5.1. This page will show all of the sources I referenced for this website.

5.1.1. Word Document

6. Blog

6.1. This page will include real life stories about people's experiences with civility.

6.1.1. Blog Social Media

7. Home

7.1. Discussion of what the website is about.

7.1.1. Photograph

8. About Page

8.1. This page will explain the passion I have for the issue of choosing civility on college campuses and will provide the mission behind the website.

8.1.1. Photograph

9. Perspective Two (Cons)

9.1. This page will answer questions that provide information for what those who believe in the cons of the issue think.

9.1.1. 2 Photographs

9.1.2. Prezi

10. Survey and Data Analysis

10.1. This page will get feedback from people about what they think of civility and will analyze the data.

10.1.1. Survey

10.1.2. Screenshots of Survey Graphs

11. Contact

11.1. This page will provide a form that will allow users to provide feedback or comments along with my email address.

11.1.1. Contact From