Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites Prepared by Ernest and Harjeevan

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Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites Prepared by Ernest and Harjeevan by Mind Map: Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites Prepared by Ernest and Harjeevan

1. Body Paragraph 3

1.1. We wholeheartedly disagree with the point that social networking sites can get a person out of jail.


1.2.1. Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook do not have the power to release a person from jail.

1.2.2. Although there may be a news about people getting out of jail involving social networking sites, but the harsh truth is that those social networking sites just help to ease their release from jail.

1.2.3. This means that social networking sites just acts as the platform for their release and was not the key factor in their release.

1.2.4. Furthermore, the number of cases where people get released by social networking sites are little to none compared to the normal way involving the help of lawyers and detectives.


1.3.1. James Karl Buck admitted that even though his Twitter message helped him to find contacts to help him get out of jail, but it was actually his network as an American that aided his release from jail. (Simon, M. 2008 April, CNN)

1.3.2. James Karl Buck stated in his interview that he tried to protect his translator Mohammed Maree with his network as an American, but his efforts were futile. He further states that Twitter did not help his translator to get out of jail because he did not have a network like he did. (Simon, M. 2008 April, CNN)

2. Body Paragraph 2

2.1. I strongly agree that social networking sites can also be used to promote an artiste's or actor's work.

2.2. Reasons

2.2.1. An artist or actor can frequently update about their upcoming concerts and albums using social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

2.2.2. The public can receive their latest news and updates on their upcoming events quickly and effectively.

2.2.3. Additionally, social networking sites provides the opportunity for their fans to interact and contact them easily.

2.2.4. Furthermore, advertisements by artists and actors on social networking sites is seamless and convenient.


2.3.1. Robert Downey Jr. Posted on his Facebook page stating the information about the red carpet premier of his upcoming movie Avengers Infinity War. ( Robert Downey Jr. official Facebook Page Public Post ,2018, April 23)

2.3.2. Drake, a famous artist, advertised his newest single, Nice For What, on his Facebook page. (Drake Official Facebook Page,2018, April 7)

3. Conclusion

3.1. Points that we agree and disagree

3.1.1. Agree We agree that social networking site help make identity theft easier. Furthermore, we also agree that social networking sites can be used as a platform for actors and artistes to promote their work.

3.1.2. Disagee We disagree that social networking sites can get a person out of jail.

3.2. In a nutshell, the pros of social networking sites are more than the cons. However, it may be easy to use social networking sites but we must always be cautious and use them wisely. This will prevent the cons from happening to users.

4. Introductory paragraph

4.1. The article entitled ' What are the pros and cons of social networking sites ?' written by Strickland, J writes on the pros and cons of social networking sites.

4.2. Pros

4.2.1. First of all, social networking sites enables users to make connections with other people.

4.2.2. Secondly, social networking sites enables users to network professionally.

4.2.3. Furthermore, social networking sites enables users to organise an event and to invite friends easily.

4.2.4. Besides, it can be used to promote an artist's or actor's work.

4.2.5. Social networking sites can act as application platforms.

4.2.6. Finally, social networking sites can get a person out of jail.

4.3. Cons

4.3.1. Firstly, social networking sites make identity theft easier.

4.3.2. Moreover, social networking sites allows scammers to trick people into downloading malicious software (malware).

4.3.3. Lastly, social networking sites can be both overwhelming and addictive.

5. Body Paragraph 1

5.1. We strongly agree with the point that social networking sites make identity theft easier.

5.2. The basis of social networking sites want the users to add in as much personal information as they can in order to create a better experience for them.

5.3. Therefore, it is easier for scammers and hackers to steal and manipulate other users' information for their own gains.

5.4. Furthermore, if users accidentally post about their schedules or information about their family, it can lead to the endangerment of their family.

5.5. Besides, with all the information that the users has uploaded, it will just increase the chance of scammers or hackers to steal their identity and make their scam more believable.


5.6.1. 16.7 million people in the U.S. were victims of identity theft in 2017, up from 15.4 million in 2017, with $16.8 billion total stolen. ( The Identity Fraud Study 2018, Javelin Strategy and Research )

5.6.2. A small percentage of cases involved made up identities but most fraudsters assumed the identity of a real person after accessing their name, date of birth, address and bank details. More than 85% of the frauds were carried out online. Some personal details were found by hacking computers but increasingly fraudsters used social media to put together the pieces of someone's identity, Cifas said. ( BBC News, July 2016 )

6. Referencing

6.1. Articles

6.1.1. Drake Official Facebook Page, (2018, April 7) Retrieved on 2018, April 24. Available at Drake

6.1.2. Identity fraud up by 57% as thieves 'hunt' on social media ( 2016, July 5) Retrieved on 2018, April 24. Available at ID thieves 'hunting' on social media

6.1.3. Identity theft: The facts, the risks, and what consumers can do (2018, March 27) Retrieved on 2018, April 24. Available at Everything you need to know about identity theft and how to avoid it.

6.1.4. Robert Downey Jr. Official Facebook Page Public Post, (2018, April 23) Retrieved on 2018, April 24. Available on Search

6.1.5. Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail (Simon M. 2008, April 25, CNN) Retrieved on 2018, April 24. Available at Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail -