summer camp

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summer camp by Mind Map: summer camp

1. media & photography

1.1. should take nice photos and videos of the event..

2. camp area &co-ordinators

2.1. -> coordinators must be ready to get all the required things for that particular event..

3. documentry

3.1. -> they should collect the report of each event and do the document at the end.

4. sessions

4.1. Ashwitha

4.1.1. origami crafts

5. schedule

6. registration team .

6.1. tm:

7. mentors .

7.1. day1:

7.2. day2:

7.3. day3:

7.4. day4:

8. events

8.1. day 1

8.2. day 2

8.3. day 3

8.4. day 4

9. publishing team .