by Isidora Krsmanovic
1. Harlow's Monkeys
1.1. Babies researched in isolation- some kept for 3 months, 6, 9 and 1 year. When put back with others: babies scared of other monkeys, unable to communicate, self mutilation, rocking compulsively. Conclsion- permenantly damaging
1.2. Reared with surrogate mothers- 8 separated at birth put in cage with 2 mothers- wire and cloth, four get milk from wire and 4 from cloth. Both spent more time with cloth, if a scary object placed in room goes to cloth for comfort
2. Bowlby's definition
2.1. Lasting psychological connectedness between human beings 1969
2.2. Attachment can be understood with evolutionqry context - safety and security
2.3. Bowlby suggested monotropy, the primary attachment is a prototype for all future relationships so distruption can have severe consequences
2.4. 0-5 years is critical period, if not attachments formed child will suffer developmental consequence eg reduced intelligence
3. Behavioural theory
3.1. The child becomes attached to the mother because she fed the infant
3.2. Counteracted- Bowlby observed children are very distressed when separated from mothers even when fed by others
3.3. Learn through classical conditioning- associate feeder with comfort. Also crying can bring desirable reaponses- operant conditioning learn to repeat this to get what they want
4. Behaviours
4.1. Children- seeking proximity when upset or threatened
4.2. Adults- responding sensitively and appropriately
5. Stages
5.1. Schaffer and Emerson 1964 studied 60 babies at monthly intervals for 18 months ( in their own home, and a regular pattern was identified
5.2. Asocial 0-6weeks many stimuli social and non produce favourable reaction
5.3. Indiscriminate attachments 6-7 months enjoy human company and respond equally to any care giver
5.4. Specific attachment 7-9months looks to particular people for security, shows fear of strangers and separation anxiety
6. The theory originated with Bowlby who was a psychiatrist treating children
7. Lorenz's imprinting theory
7.1. 1935- took half of gooses eggs, pretended to quack when they hatched. Found they follow first moving object they see in 12-17 hour period (imprinting)
7.2. Consequences of Imprinting- short term survival an long term, if no attachment in 32 hours unlikely one will ever occur. It cannot be reversed or imprint on anything else