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Hypoparpathyroidism by Mind Map: Hypoparpathyroidism

1. Diagnose

1.1. The patient must undergo physical examinations and blood test to see if they are experiencing low levels of PTH and calcium which are distinctive signs.

2. What is Hypoparathyroidism?

2.1. Hypoparathyroidism is a rare condition which occurs when the body does not make enough of the parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is made by the parathyroid gland.

3. Risk Factors

3.1. Family history of this condition.

3.2. Most common cause is damage to the gland during head and neck surgery.

3.3. Preexisting immune disorder

3.4. Infection

4. Symptoms

4.1. Weakened tooth enamel in adults Muscle spasms called tetany (can lead to spasms of the larynx, causing breathing difficulties) Convulsions (seizures)

4.2. Painful menstruation Hand or foot spasms Decreased consciousness Delayed or absent tooth formation in children

4.3. Tingling lips pain in the face, legs, and feet Abdominal pain Dry hair Brittle nails Cataracts

5. Signs

5.1. Low serum calcium level

5.2. High serum phosphorus level

5.3. Abnormal heart rhythms on ECG

5.4. Low serum parathyroid hormone level

5.5. Low serum magnesium level

6. Treatment

6.1. Life long calcium and vitamin D supplements, Blood levels are measured regularly to make sure that the dose is correct. A high-calcium, low-phosphorous diet is recommended.

6.2. Blood levels are measured regularly

6.3. High calcium and low phosphorous diet is recommended