PR&Marketing strategy(Continental group)

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PR&Marketing strategy(Continental group) by Mind Map: PR&Marketing strategy(Continental group)

1. bloggers: exchanging nights in hotel for PR. 30-40 bloggers a week come to stay

2. Electronic

2.1. Following trends of PR but making extraordinary.For ex, instead of Xmas postcards making a Maniquen Challenge video

2.1.1. homepage looks and functions well on mobile!!!Majority of people book via mobile

2.1.2. social media: linkedin, instagram

3. Printed

3.1. Not popular anymore. CG: magazine

3.2. articles published in other countries: FORBES, ESCAPE, etc.

3.3. being creative. for ex, CG maximized 3 nights in the hotel in exchange for publishing an article in a magazine

4. Internal Communications

4.1. worker of the year

4.2. rewarding employees. making them feel better

5. Universities

5.1. Being a part of Carrier days is a PR activity