1. Content Area
1.1. Grades 6-12
1.2. English Language Arts
2. Teacher Roles
2.1. Communication & Collaboration
2.1.1. Teachers can be shared on documents or presentations and edit them
2.1.2. Teachers can see edits made
2.1.3. Teachers can be shared on documents or presentations and comment on them
2.1.4. Google Drive also has an email connected with it so it can be used as a means of teachers professionally communicating with their students
2.2. Interconnectedness
2.2.1. Teachers can share student's documents or presentations with other staff members or students whom it might be relevant to For example, in one of my classes, our professor put together an academic journal of writing that we did in her class that she can share and connect to other teachers, universities, and students
2.2.2. Teachers can access student's documents or learning activities from any computer in any setting This means that teachers can bring their student's work with them wherever they go and offer the most convenient and steady stream of communication with them
2.3. Universal
2.3.1. Google Drive is free so anyone can access it making it an ideal tool for teachers to show their students
2.3.2. Google Drive can be used on any MAC or PC device so teachers can use this to communicate to the masses
3. Learning Activities
3.1. How can teachers use it for learning activities?
3.1.1. Teachers can assign essays to their 6-12th grade students They can assign different drafts and comment on the drafts This way students have a way of seeing teacher comments as they make revisions, and teachers have a way of seeing their comments to see if students adhered to what they said.
3.2. Teachers can assign group presentations using Google Slides
3.2.1. Students can present information on a book, poem, or chapter in a visually pleasing format Students can work on the slideshow at the same time, which allows the ability to see what other group members are adding Presentation can be shared with the teacher who can then give pointers or advice on the project along the way
4. Learning Goals
4.1. Students have easy access to previous projects and assignments
4.1.1. Students can see their improvement from past essays or writing assignments Students can also see how to continually improve their writing based on their past assignments
4.1.2. Students can refer back to past essays for help on formatting and grammar
4.2. Teachers can share student work with other teachers or future teachers
4.2.1. Teachers can collaborate and assess a student's strengths and weaknesses Allows teachers to create appropriate academic goals based on what the student needs to improve on
5. Learning Assessment
5.1. Gather and share study resources
5.1.1. Students can have easy access to study guides
5.1.2. Teachers can provide practice assessments on Google Drive for students Because the teachers can give back a score, students can know what they have to study more Teachers can also grade these assignments over classroom and return a score to their students
5.1.3. Students can also share their own individual and unique study resources that they have made on their own This allows for student creativity Students achieve a higher understanding of the subject by being creative
5.2. Student-student connection
5.2.1. Students are able to study together easily and communicate about assessments This promotes student interaction and collaboration
5.2.2. Students can correct one another's practice assignments
5.3. Student-teacher connection
5.3.1. Teachers can help students study for their exams on Google Classroom by editing study guides or correcting practice tests This promotes student/teachers interaction Students can contact teachers with ease outside of the classroom This contact between students and teachers is also professional