The Social Family

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The Social Family by Mind Map: The Social Family

1. Cognitive Apprenticeship

1.1. Interaction in social or cultural activity where adult is more skilled.

1.2. Skills Involved

1.2.1. Modeling: showing how process unfolds, and giving reasons why.

1.2.2. Coaching: process of overseeing the students learning.

1.2.3. Scaffolding: temporary platform for students to work at their level.

1.2.4. Articulation: Verbalizing knowledge of skills.

1.2.5. Reflection: students analyze their performance.

1.2.6. Exploration: students obtain knowledge for themselves.

2. Teacher models and helps guide discussions through the teaching of four strategies: summarizing, generating questions, predicting, and clarifying.

3. End Goals of TRIBES

3.1. Enhance student achievement.

3.2. Enhance potential of students.

3.3. Learning enhanced through teamwork.


4.1. A process for learning and being together which ensures the development of every child.

4.2. Group work based on four values:

5. Reciprocal Teaching

5.1. Students become teachers in small group reading sessions.

5.2. End Goal...

5.2.1. Help students learn and actively monitor their comprehension.