Integrated Markets Communications

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Integrated Markets Communications by Mind Map: Integrated Markets Communications

1. Elements of the Promotional Mix

1.1. 1. Personal selling

1.1.1. Interpersonal influence process involving a seller's promotional presentation conducted on a person-to-person basis with the buyer

1.2. 2. Nonpersonal selling

1.2.1. Advertising-any paid, nonpersonal communication through various media

1.2.2. Product Placement-marketer pays a motion picture or television program a fee to display product in the fil

1.2.3. Sales Promotion-marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, guerilla marketing, and public ralations that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness.

1.2.4. Direct Marketing- direct communications to a consumer or business recipient

1.2.5. Public Relations and Publicity-firm's communications and relations with its various publics

1.2.6. Guerilla Marketing-unconventional, innovative, and low-cost marketing technique

2. Sponsorships

2.1. Sponsorship spending

2.2. Growth of Sponsorship

2.2.1. Factors-additional opportunities resulting from diverse leisure activities

2.3. How sponsorship differs frow advertising

2.4. Assessing sponsorship results

3. Developing an Optimal Promotional Mix

3.1. Nature of the market

3.2. Nature of the product

3.3. Stage in the product life cycle

3.4. Price

3.5. Funds available for promotion

4. Pulling and Pushing Promotional Strategies

4.1. Pulling Strategies

4.1.1. promotional effort by the seller to stimulate final-user demand, which then exerts pressure on the distribution vhannel

4.2. Pushing Strategies

4.2.1. promotional effort by the seller directed to members of the marketing channel rather than final users

5. Budgeting for Promotional Strategy

5.1. Percentage-of-sale method

5.1.1. set as a specified percentage of either past of forecasted sales

5.2. Fixed-sum-per-unit method

5.2.1. set as a predetermined dollar amount for each unit sold or produced

5.3. Meeting competition method

5.3.1. set to match competitor's promotional outlays on either an absolute or relative basis

5.4. Task objective method

5.4.1. once marketers determine their specific promotional objectives, the amount (and type) of promotional spending needed to achieve them is determined

6. Measuring the effectiveness of promotion

6.1. Direct sales result test

6.2. Indirect evaluation

7. Importance of teamwork

7.1. Save time, money and effort Increasing marketing effectiveness

8. The communication process

8.1. Gains receiver"s attentions

8.2. Achieves understanding by both receiver and sender

8.3. Stimulate the receiver"s needs and suggest an appropriate method of satisfying them

9. Objective of promotion

9.1. 1. Provide information to consumer and others ---To inform the market about the availability of particular good or service

9.2. 2. Increase demand -Primary demand-general product -Selective demand-specific brand

9.3. 3. Differentiate a product -Compare the product with other competitors such as price changes

9.4. 4. Accentuate a product's value

9.5. 5. Stabilize sales

10. Direct Marketing

10.1. Direct mail

10.1.1. sales letters, postcards, brochures, catalogs

10.2. Catalogs

10.3. Telemarketing

10.3.1. telephone

10.4. Direct marketing via Broadcast Channels

10.4.1. television, radio, home shopping channels, infomercials

10.5. Electronic direct marketing channels

10.5.1. web advertising

10.6. Others direct marketing channels

10.6.1. newspaper, magazines

11. The value of marketing communications

11.1. Social importance

11.2. Business importance

11.3. Economic importance