1. The world
1.1. ATAC starts at a time where a new world is rising from the ashes of a world not unlike our own
1.2. Time
1.2.1. The relatively distant future probably at least a thousand years
1.3. T
2. The ATACs
2.1. Advanced Tactical Assault Construct
2.1.1. can tank nukes, devastating in war
2.2. Kaiju monsters piloted like mechs
2.2.1. pilots are called puppeteers, in reference to kaiju suit actors
2.2.2. a pilot controls the gross motor functions, an assistant AI aids with extremities and automatic functions
2.3. Based on earth creatures, not aliens
2.3.1. Human nervous system is compatible with earth creatures - incompatible with aliens
2.4.1. not vulnerable to the Square Cube Law
2.5. SAPECS field
2.5.1. Sub Atomic Particle and Energy Control System Cannot break the laws of physics - SAPECS field makes great lawyer Capable of tactile matter manipulation spreading weight out far beyond their feet tactile telekinesis (can walk on buildings and pick them up without crumbling) can sometimes alter the state of matter (make rock lava or air moisture ice) can neutralize nuclear explosions
2.6. Nuclear fossils
2.6.1. organic cellular structures have been chemically replaced much stronger materials, like metals instead of organic hydrocarbons Instead of reacting electrons, they now react neutrons each cell is like a nuclear reactor unto itself
2.7. Creation
2.7.1. 1. monstrous organic creature is grown in a lab
2.7.2. 2. submerged in radioactive water to sterilize the corpse
2.7.3. 3. electrical discharge makes the body consume and become full of element rich water, some cells restart functions, fossilization commences
2.7.4. 4. if successful, an immortal puppet of non-organic biology emerges, to be controlled through the nervous system of a pilot
2.7.5. http://www.angelfire.com/ego/g_saga/kaijubiologyarticle.html
2.8. Form and variety
2.8.1. all in a vague anthropoid shape (like a man in a suit, classic kaiju suits) certain exceptions exist multi-pilot models
2.8.2. An incredible diversity of host creatures humans are related to all life on earth, a nervous system that recurs in the animal kingdom
2.8.3. some are for ground engagements, others for aerospace
2.8.4. some have different weight classes and roles in a wider combined arms doctrine some operate alone
2.9. Weapons
2.9.1. All capable of energy based breath attacks kind of like godzillas atomic breath
2.9.2. Some might be capable of generating close range bursts from the SAPECS fields
2.9.3. can utilize attachment weapons mechanical attachments (usually for non ATAC enemies) bracers mount large guns for atac size enemies (usually mechs) (conventional guns, gauss, energy, missiles, etc) Anklets for dealing with infantry (light machine guns, energy weapons, so on) Back mounted batteries (lasers like the star wars program for knocking down missiles and drones, or anti-air guns) Symbiote weapons are bio-nuclear constructs that are not born with the ATAC, fall outside the host animals phylogeny, and can take multiple forms Usually melee weapons sometimes something ranged (like tyranid guns) sometimes taking the slot of a mechanical attachment Handheld contact weapons for ATACs become important where ATAC conflict is expected
2.9.4. Teeth and claws, natural weapons Sometimes the atac will have inbuilt weapons (like in battletech, how mechs have guns mounted all over the body, instead of being handheld)
2.10. Tactical purpose
2.10.1. the power of multiple nuclear devices in the precision of a hypermobile platform
2.10.2. can contain apocalyptic energy discharge with the SAPECS
2.10.3. despite the resources to craft one, value per unit and overall destructive potential is far greater
2.10.4. psychological shock of a giant monster
2.10.5. SAPECS renders conventional weapons useless
2.10.6. only another ATACs SAPECS field can disrupt the others in close quarters, making the other vulnerable to damage
2.10.7. SAPECS field makes anything less than visual confirmation difficult