The Internet and how to effectively search it

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The Internet and how to effectively search it by Mind Map: The Internet and how to effectively search it

1. What does WWW mean?

1.1. What is the world wide web? - Twila Camp

2. Year 8

3. How can students effectively search the internet?

4. What is the Internet?

4.1. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

5. What is an URL?

5.1. A consistent way of finding a resource

5.2. URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator”

5.3. What do the sections of a URL mean?

5.3.1. Let’s look at the Notre Dame website! Notre Dame Https:// = “HyperText Transfer Protocol” which identifies if the information is located on the online web or personal computer Www = World Wide Web = The location of where the information has come from on the web Types of Domain Names