Bowling for Columbine

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Bowling for Columbine by Mind Map: Bowling for Columbine

1. Safety

1.1. School society

1.1.1. In class

1.2. At home

1.3. Society

2. Criminals

3. Gun control/politics/rights

3.1. NRA (National Rifel Association)

3.2. Easy access to guns

3.3. Demonstrations

3.4. Criminals

4. Shooters profiles

4.1. Shooters perspective

4.2. Shooters enviroment

4.3. Triggers

4.3.1. Bullies

4.3.2. Mental issues

4.3.3. Violent games

4.3.4. News

4.3.5. Being overheard

4.3.6. Pressure from the school system

4.4. School enviroment

4.4.1. Living terms