Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely

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Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely by Mind Map: Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely

1. Positive Online Behaviours

1.1. Using language appropriately

1.1.1. Including not excluding

1.1.2. Protecting personal information

2. Peer and Personal Safety

2.1. Privacy settings are a must

2.1.1. Ensure personal details are kept protected

2.2. Always ask an adult before proceeding

2.3. Trusting online and adult help

2.4. Never share passwords

2.5. Always share devices

3. Ethical Use

3.1. Only copy and distribute resources that you have full permission to.

3.2. Only take images of people when full permission is granted!

3.3. I will only publish, distribute or message materials that are appropriate.