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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. My initial thought on technology

1.1. Anything man has created.

1.2. Laptops, Phones and tv's

1.3. Ever moving forward

2. Refrences

2.1. What is 'technology'? far Eastern Economic Review 163.15, 78 Retrieved from - kevin kelly(2010) Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story retrieved from - Richard Li-Hua(2007)What is technology? retrieved from -

2.2. Kevin kelly

3. After I read more about technology

3.1. "a cook following a recipe for lemon souffle, falls under the definition of technology"(anonymous, Apr 13, 2000)

3.1.1. I learned that technology is far more abstract than i thought before as even the making of a design is technology

4. Changes in my idea of technology

4.1. After thinking it all through idea of technology only changed in how abstract it was but the idea is the same in that technology is anything man-made including humanity.