Creating and Growing Assets

3 Simple Steps to Creating a Passive Income Empire

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Creating and Growing Assets by Mind Map: Creating and Growing Assets

1. 1. Set Up Income Streams

1.1. Physical Shops

1.1.1. Popcorn Pavilion

1.1.2. Kukuruza

1.2. Online Shops



1.3. Franchises

1.3.1. Kukuruza - Saudi

1.4. NicheSites


2. 2. Track Key Performance Metrics

2.1. Shops

2.1.1. Customers

2.1.2. Average Ticket

2.1.3. Gross Sales

2.1.4. Sales Comps

2.1.5. Sales by Department

2.1.6. Payroll % of Sales

2.1.7. Sales - Payroll

2.1.8. Permission List Signups

2.1.9. Yelp Reviews

2.2. Online Shops

2.2.1. Customers

2.2.2. Average Ticket

2.2.3. Gross Sales

2.2.4. Sales by Department

2.2.5. Conversion Rate

2.2.6. Visitors

2.2.7. Sales Comps

3. 3. Manage by Metrics

3.1. 1. Create,Share,Discuss Monthly Report

3.1.1. 1. Key Employees

3.1.2. 2. Advisors

3.2. 2. Generate Action Plan for Improving Key Metrics

3.2.1. Set Goals

3.2.2. Identify Areas of Opportunity

3.2.3. Prioritize Tasks

3.2.4. Assign Tasks

3.3. 3. Repeat Monthly

4. 4. Reinvest

4.1. 1. Identify Product Need & Market Segment

4.2. 2. Generate Action Plan for Setting up new Income Stream

4.3. 3. Organize the world around the success of the new enterprise