TWC301 Course Outcomes
by Bridget Esqueda
1. My Course Goals: To be able to understand and complete the processes that is asked of me in this class. To submit all assignments on time. To put forth my best effort in all my assignments and ask for help when I need it.
2. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: Use Information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking and communicating. Unite previously held beliefs, assumptions and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context.
2.1. Chapter 1: It discussed how one should know four things before we start a design. We must know what we want to say, who you want to hear your message, the kind of page format you want your audience to view your message, and basic knowledge of your design principle.
2.2. Chapter 2: When making our page, we have to make it interesting for the reader. In order to do this we have to pick what our emphasis will be. Which is what most of this chapter is about. We have to think and decide what's more important. What message are we trying to relay to our audience.
2.3. Notes On Instruction Writing: One must know the audience, keep it simple and put yourself in their shoes. At the end, you must test out your instructions to make sure they work.
2.4. Chapter 3: When designing with contrast, we want to think what exactly do we want to stand out. By using different fonts, sizes and even images, we can give our layout dramatic effect. This will lead readers to see exactly what we want them to see.
2.5. Chapter 4: Balance in web design is important because it combines visual weight of all the elements presented in the design to be equally dispersed to the audience will be able to understand. A well balanced layout will also grab more attention and be harmonious.
2.6. Chapter 5: Alignment helps with the placement of texts and graphics. It makes the page readable and organized. It goes hand in hand with balance and contrast. Alignment creates order and makes it easier for the audience to read the content.
2.7. Chapter 6: In repetition it implies sophistication and control of the page. It makes it look stronger and be more interesting. Unity is achieved and strived for because the more unified a layout is, the human eye will be familiar with it and continue reading our message.
2.8. WordPress Notes: You can customize your log in page for WordPress. You can also import feed and add links to your WordPress for easier navigation.
2.9. Chapter 7: Flow refers to the visual and verbal paths of movement in which the reader's eye tracks through a page, pages, or online designs such as ad banners or web page. With good flow, it leads the reader to one element then to another presenting more info. Organization, simplicity, clarity and flow are critical to good design.
2.10. Copyright Notes: A public domain is where everyone is free to use ideas without having it copyrighted. People are free to use and re-use any idea posted on the commons. When a person writes a paper, takes a picture, or makes art, it's immediately copyrighted. That is why if a person wants their ideas shared with the world, they should register it with creative commons.
3. Knowledge of Conventions: Learn common formats for different genres. Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics. Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property.
3.1. Chapter 1: It discussed how one should know it's audience and put ourselves in their shoes. We have to write in a way that appeal to their "what's in if for me?" interest. We also have to pick images that will attract them to our message.
3.2. Chapter 2: In this chapter it discussed what's more important in our message. We can construct a visual hierarchy which refers to arranging our visual elements. With this in mind we have to put our self in the shoes of our audience. What would appeal to them?
3.3. Notes on Instrucion Writing: When writing the instructions, we have to keep in mind the safety of our readers. I must ask myself "Did I add all the instructions for safety". Also we have to think in what order we want to list the instructions.
3.4. Chapter 3: Contrast is where two or more elements look dramatically different from one another. We really stress to the reader what we want them to see. Picking different colors to emphasize our message is good too.
3.5. Chapter 4: The visual weight of an image is the illusion of physical weight on the page. Each visual element gives its own visual weight. They must be balanced carefully in order to conterbalance the other visual elements. It is important to know what words and phrases to emphasize. Also which elements belong together.
3.6. Chapter 5: There are several types of basic text alignments that is used in any design template. There is flush left: which is considered very readable. Flush Right: works best for short amunts of text because it is hard to find the next line. Centered: implies formality, common in headline. Justified: readable when set properly and allows for higher word density. Runaround is used in brochures and not appropriate for large amounts of text.
3.7. Chapter 6: Gestalt Law is where the structure, configuration or layout whose specific properties are greater and more unified than simple sum of its individual parts. For example emoticons. They are put together to make a face such as :} but in reality all it is is a semicolon and a comma.
3.8. Notes On WordPress: Customizing your sidebar helps with organization. There are various resources around the web to help you with plug-ins such as adding a "linked in" share button.
3.9. Chapter 7: You can influence people by having good flow because you lead the reader to where you want them to go. Two halfs to the principle of flow are Verbal Flow and Visual Flow. Verbal flow is the order in which the viewer reads the text on the page. Visual flow is the order in which the viewer looks at the image and graphics on page.
3.10. Copyright Notes: A copyright material can be protected for over 100 years due to changing laws. There are five principles to a public domain: 1. Public domain is the rule, copyright protection is the exception. 2. Copyright protection should only last as long as the author has reaped enough benefits from his intellectual labour but shouldn't be renewed because it limits the possibility to reap more good ideas. 3. What is in the public domain should stay there, no one can copyright anything in the public domain. 4. The lawful user of a digital copy should be always available to use and re-use. 5. Contracts or protection against using public domain items should not be enforced.
4. Rhetorical Knowledge: Identify, articulate and focus on a defined purpose. Respond to the need of the appropriate audience. Respond appropriately to different rherotical situations. Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality. Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers resond to it. Write in multiple genres. Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing and communication information. Use appropriate technologies to organize, present and communicate info. to address a range fo audiences, and purposes and genres.
4.1. Chapter 1: We have to know who our audience is when we design something. We have to know what best will draw that person in. We also have to keep it simple when we do a layout because the more words we may put in our design, the least likely our audience may read it.
4.2. Chapter 2: In this chapter we emphasize the message we want to relay to our audience so we have to know exactly what our message wants to say. Too much in our page might bore the reader or confuse them.
4.3. Notes on Instrucion Writing: We have to know our audience and ask the five questions: Who, what were, when and why. The formating has to flow and it's good to paraphrase or shorten it so it can be short and sweet.
4.4. Chapter 3: With contrast it is important to know what we want to emphasize. What we want our reader to see. Avoiding small font size and stacked letters is important because our audience will probably not read it. Playing around with our design will help us find the perfect design.
4.5. Chapter 4: With balance, it is important to not use several alignment schemes because it will look messy and unorganized. Also I should always keep the visual weight of elements in mind when arranging them. I want the key information to be displayed and my pictures to reinforce the message.
4.6. Chapter 5: Alignment can help bring the whole design together but it can also confuse the readers. We have to know what the audience is and use grids to figure out a desing template. Since alignment enhances all other visual elements, it is important to know what we are trying to say, what is going to be our emphasis.
4.7. Chapter 6: Consistency in design is desirable because reader will be more comfortable with it. Repetition is the ability to tie seperate elements together to make it seem unified. Repetition can be achieved by bullets, lines, initial caps, images and or alignment.
4.8. WordPress Notes: There are many websites that can help build a nice WordPress layout such as Yoast, WP Beginner, or WordPress Tavern. You can add plug in codes and it will automatically create a custom web page that suits your needs.
4.9. Chapter 7: The fastest way to achieve good flow is setting up a typographic master plan. It includes details such as typefaces, fonts, sizes, color, images and charts. By planning ahead, flow in documents and design will seem more consistent and unified. Readers will be able to know what to expect and be easier for them to follow the text through the document.
4.10. Copyright Notes: Three fundamental things can be copyrighted as per copyright law: fixation, creativity, and minimal creativity. Ideas, facts, legislature or anything government works cannot be copyrighted.
5. Processes: Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text. Develop flexible strategies for generating and revising editing and proof-reading. Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes. Use appropriate technologies to manage date and information collected or generated for future use.
5.1. Chapter 1: There are five steps to copywriting. First step is to ask yourself what you want to accomplish with the message, this is the brainstorming stage. Second is what's in it for the reader, we have to think of benefits for the audience. Third step is you organize your information. Fourth step is to flesh our your outline. The fifth step is to edit your design and look for any grammar and spelling mistakes. We willl also cut out any uneccessary material.
5.2. Chapter 2: There are several processes we can take to figure out what we want to emphasize. Such as using the visual hierarchy and arranging the information in a way that it'll be pleasing to our reader. One of the many used forms is by picking a focal point, accenting it, and then adding important content to it.
5.3. Notes on Instruction Writing: If we write the instructions as commands, the reader will ease into them. They should be precise and clear. Adding images may help greatly for the reader because they can see exactly what they have to do.
5.4. Chapter 3: In order to contrast, we can place very small elements on the page with large ones. We can capitalize letters next to lowercase. We can also play with line thickness and colors. Different shapes or fonts will also help bring dramatic effect. The whole idea of contrast is to stress the difference of one element to the other.
5.5. Chapter 4: The first step in creating balance is to choose what phrases and graphics one will emphasize. Then you have to choose between creating a symmetrical balanced design, which is where the visual elements are mirrored from side to side or top to bottom. Or choosing from an asymmetrical balanced design wihich is unequal on either side yet still brings the page together. Adding pictures to a design will also attract the readers interest and will reinforce the message.
5.6. Chapter 5: In order to be able to know what alignment best suits our design, it helps that we use a grid to start first. Grids are the skeleton of design and it helps try to figure out alignment. It enhaces design consistency and can be saved for future templates.
5.7. Chapter 6: There are various ways one can achieve good repetition. We can use figure/ground where gestalt law of perception is used to help identify objects (figures) as distinct from their background (ground). Proximity are items that are spatially located nead each other so they seem part of a group. Closure seeks to close gaps in a form to make them seem stable. Continuation seeks relationships between shapes and continuation occurs when the human eye follows among line, curve, or sequence shapes. Similarity is when visual elements on the page are perceived to be part of a group.
5.8. WordPress Notes: When creating a blog or website, you want your web page to be unique and stand out. There are ways to customize the title and heading of your blog. One needs to know the specific code to look for and delete.
5.9. Chapter 7: Techniques to good visual flow and organization is by placing quotes on pages with texts they reinforce, place linked columns of text next to each other, keep listed items together, avoid extra wide leading or solid leading body copy, choose and easy to read typeface. Orientation of a page or image can speed viewers progression or sublty slow it. The key to flow in multipage documents is principle of repetition.
5.10. Copyright Notes: A person cannot sell, copy, use, modify or do anything with a copyrighted item without the permission of the author. An item is copyrighted for 70 years. Fair use helps people use anothers ideas to be able to contribute to the world of creativity. It may help discover a new idea or add richness to the creative commons.