"What will my PLN look like?"

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"What will my PLN look like?" by Mind Map: "What will my PLN look like?"

1. Curriculum/Teaching Help

1.1. Teacher Blogs

1.1.1. World History Educators Forum

1.2. Facebook Groups

1.2.1. Treasure Valley Teachers Swap n Talk

2. Navigating School Culture & Administration

2.1. Facebook Groups

2.1.1. Treasure Valley Teachers Swap n Talk

2.2. Twitter

2.2.1. #edchat

3. Updating the PLN

3.1. Are responses prompt?

3.2. Are pages frequently updated?

3.3. Is the software itself outdated?

3.4. With which programs are students most familiar?

4. Incorporating Learning Technology into the Classroom

4.1. Twitter

4.1.1. #edchat

4.2. Google for Education Help Forums

4.3. Teacher Blogs

4.3.1. Learning is Messy Blog

4.4. Google+

5. Ideas for Student Activities

5.1. Twitter

5.1.1. #history

5.1.2. #primarysource

5.1.3. #archives

5.2. Teacher Blogs

5.2.1. World History Educators Forum

5.3. Facebook Groups

5.3.1. Treasure Valley Teachers Swap n Talk