1. Andy Cook leading for PKC on this
2. Robertson's Reporters
2.1. Who? P7 or S1?
2.2. Programme of events
3. Integrate
3.1. PGS
3.2. Inclusion Team PKC
4. DYW
4.1. Develop local partnerships
4.1.1. AVIVA visit
4.2. Ideas here
4.3. Breadalbane docs here
5. Digital Schools Award
5.1. Website
5.2. Register by end of Aug 2019
5.3. self-evaluation throughout session 2019/20
5.4. Submit evaluation by April 2020
5.5. Validation visit by end June 2020
5.6. Awarded Digital Schools Status by June 2020
6. Equity
6.1. Cost of school Day
6.1.1. Hidden costs uniform music tuition - HE - Tech trips
6.1.2. NHS Scotland Sept 18 resources Full video introduction Cost of School Day Toolkit
6.2. ACORN profile of P7/S1
6.3. Sanitary
6.3.1. SG requirements for sanitary products
6.3.2. What do we need to make this happen?
7. Transition events
7.1. June 2019
7.1.1. S2 Leadership team identified
7.2. P7 to S1 (6/7th June)
7.2.1. S2 LT to be used as peer supporters
7.2.2. John Muir Award
7.2.3. Willowgate Activity Centre to be used as a venue. Draft programme has been recieved for 6th and 7th June.
7.2.4. Choir project? All Primaries learn their parts separately, brought together on one of the transition days for bringing together & public perfrmance Who does the music arrangement? Who coordinates the day? Who is Musical Director? PT Music in post long enough?
7.3. S1 to S2 Transition
7.3.1. John Muir Award
7.3.2. Possibly use Willowgate again. Potentially look at some afternoons/full days in June.
8. Anti-bullying
8.1. Kiva Program
8.1.1. Website
8.2. Dean Goddard
8.2.1. [email protected]
8.2.2. [email protected]
8.2.3. 07511 683811
9. School visits
9.1. Get to know pupils
9.2. Get to know parents
9.3. Get in touch with some parents?
10. Mindfulness
10.1. Donna Cromb - Meeting JM and DS
10.1.1. Proposal to be submitted relating to support to be provided to BP Quote from D Crombe
10.2. Daily slots?
10.3. 10 mins at beginning of day?
10.4. What would it take for all staff to roll this out?
10.5. Mindfulness in Schools Project
10.5.1. DS and JM signed up for .begin course
10.6. Research into effectiveness of MiSP
10.7. The Psychologist Article
11. Growth Mindset
11.1. What would it take to roll out?
11.1.1. Consultation with Sonia Grant from Mindset UK in October
11.2. Staff development
11.3. When in timetable?
11.4. Or sewn throughout?
11.5. See HT at Craigie Primary for hiring expert to provide in-service (Mary Frances' idea)
12. PSE Programme
12.1. Start with what is out there already
12.2. Are we missing a trick?
12.3. What can we put in that others struggle with?
12.4. What's currently needed?
12.5. What currently done poorly that could be better?
12.6. Mentors in Violence Prevention
12.7. Ask community what they want their kids to know about?
12.8. First opportunity to use VLE
13. Enhanced Provision
13.1. Transition for EP pupils?
13.2. Deb to liaise with Susie & Dorothy asap
13.2.1. Deb meeting Dorothy 14.9.18
13.3. Attend meeting on 28 June
14. Rights Respecting Schools
14.1. Timescale
14.1.1. What would it take to get this?
14.2. Plan
14.2.1. PKC contact: Jan Westall [email protected]
14.2.2. Jane's email from Sept 18 here
15. IT
15.1. Microsoft Innovative Educators
15.1.1. Scheme by MS for staff training
15.1.2. All staff MIE certified by June 2019?
15.1.3. Microsoft accredited courses for pupils
15.1.4. Staff to apply to be accredited MIE Experts (List announced every August)
15.2. Familiarity with Teams
15.2.1. As communication tool
15.2.2. As Virtual Learning Environment
15.2.3. Microsoft training videos
16. Mental Health First Aiders
16.1. Self Regulation
16.2. Jim and Deb to Explore SEAL lessons
16.3. Jim & Deb during 2018/19
16.3.1. One day course £75 JM and DS completing course currently. JM consulted with trainer about doing a session with our staff but she could not deliver until August 2018.