Grade 1 Seasons Lesson Plan

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Grade 1 Seasons Lesson Plan by Mind Map: Grade 1 Seasons Lesson Plan

1. Winter

1.1. Objective

1.1.1. Identify the Winter season.

1.2. Prerequisites

1.2.1. Students will colour and cut their pages then place them in the corresponding area of the seasons board.

1.3. Materials

1.3.1. Winter themed colouring pages, crayons, scissors, tape and seasons board.

1.4. Notes

2. Spring

2.1. Objective

2.1.1. Identify Spring season.

2.2. Prerequisites

2.2.1. Students will colour and cut their pages before placing them in the area they believe to be the appropriate season.

2.3. Materials

2.3.1. Spring themed colouring pages, crayons, scissors, tape and seasons board.

2.4. Notes

3. Seasons song

3.1. Children's song can be played before they begin their task, during their tasks, as well as, after the tasks have been completed.

4. Summer

4.1. Objective

4.1.1. Identify the characteristics of summer, ie, warm sun, bloomed plant life, noticeable animal life.

4.2. Prerequisites

4.2.1. Students will colour and cut pages that are Summer themed then place them on the Seasons board.

4.3. Materials

4.3.1. Summer themed colouring pages, crayons, scissors, tape, and all seasons board.

4.4. Notes

5. Fall

5.1. Objective

5.1.1. Identify Fall season using nature, ie, leaves fall from trees.

5.2. Prerequisites

5.2.1. Students will colour and cute pages that are Fall themed then place them on the Seasons board.

5.3. Materials

5.3.1. Fall themed colouring pages, crayons, scissors, tape, all seasons board.

5.4. Notes